Vow to Fashion

sobota, avgust 30, 2014

Labello lip butter

Hmmm. What can I say more than - I love those lip butters! I saw it for the first time in Berlin, last year - but I didn't buy it because I thought they were really nothing special. But then I tried Vanilla and Macadamia (haha, you can see it) and I fell in love. 

They are so good! They smell wonderful and they really moisturise my lips - they are so soft after using this!

I have Lip butter / Vanillia & Macadamia / Original / Raspberry rose / Blueberry blush

There are also Caramel & Coconut.

I really like all of them - except Labello original is without smell! Nothing! I thought that it's gonna smell like labello original but nothing... Little disappointed. 

But still they are one of my favourite products.

How about you? Do you have them? :)


četrtek, avgust 28, 2014

Everyday makeup

I must say that I never knew how hard it is to take a proper photo of your makeup/face! I'm always doing my web cam makeup photos, it's so easier! But like this - It's so hard, because your face is all around picture and you can't hide anything! (well, I don't use Photoshop, let's make it real)

So, back to my article!

I wanted to make my "every day makeup post". I'm using Bourjois powder (1,2,3 perfect) and I really love it! On photos my skin looks so perfect, really without photoshop! I really think it is a great product.

My Catrice lip balm - which lost all the letters and everything haha, I love this one! It smell so great and the effect of "lipstick which is so smooth and soft" I can't hide my joy around this one!

I also used Makeup revolution blush, essence Extreme mascara (my favourite) and Sephora eye shadow. I'm using my Deborah eye-liner, I had it for a long time and it's still working haha :)

Wish you all a wonderful day!


torek, avgust 26, 2014

Lady with kimono and turban

Takole, še zadnji outfit iz Frankfurta je tu. Fant je posebej poudaril da moram omeniti kako me je to mesto navdihnilo. Kot vidite, sem spet mešala kulture in stile - tokrat sem evropejka z arabskim turbanom in kitajskim kimonom. Tak je tudi Frankfurt. Evropejsko mesto z tisoče tujcev, na katerih vidiš tudi toliko različnih stilov - da preprosto ne moreš ostati samo pri "kavbojkah in navadni majici". 

Slike so posnete na Goethe Platzu, trgu v središču Frankfurta. Stinjenem med stolpnicami in shopping ulico Zeil Strasse. 

V Frankfurtu sem bila že tretjič in se tam počutim kot doma. Mesto še dokaj dobro poznam, tako da je zame res kot drugi dom. So mesta, ki so ti všeč in so mesta v katerih se preprosto počutiš kot doma - zame je eno izmed teh mest Frankfurt. Ich liebe dich, meine Stadt.

Toliko za danes,

pa lep dan še naprej :)

nedelja, avgust 24, 2014


Kot veste, sem inštruktorica Zumbe in kar nekaj časa preživim v telovadnici, prav tako tudi zelo rada tečem in se zadržujem v fitnessu.

Zato sem si tokrat v Deichmannu izbrala novo športno obutev. In sicer - izjemno lahke športne copate znamke Nike! Ogledane sem imela že nekaj časa, vendar me je motila cena - te pa so le 49,90 eur in se mi zdijo zelo ugodne. 

Zakaj Deichmann?

Ker imajo res ugodne cene. Čisto sem pozabila, da imajo tudi znamke kot so Nike, Adidas, Puma...

In njihove čevlje lahko opazite tudi v nekaj outfitih :

Predvsem pa mi je všeč to, da so čevlji tudi kvalitetni. Kot sem večkrat omenila - pri določenih izdelkih cena ne igra bistvene vloge, kvalitetne so lahko tudi nizko cenovne stvari. Še vedno imam njihove jesenske čevlje s petko, ki jih imam in nosim že 5 let. 

Komaj čakam da sprobam te športne copate - tako so lepih barv in udobni! Končno čevlji, ki so lahko za v telovadnico (in so dovolj lahki za ples) in za tek po Ljubljanskih gričih :)

Obljubim, da bom naredila tudi objavo s temi čevlji v športnem outfitu. Samo, da dobim malo inspiracije in da se vreme popravi.


P.s. Več o ponudbi TUKAJ!

Želim vam lepo nedeljo!

petek, avgust 22, 2014

Harem pants

I'm late with posts, I still didn't finished my travel posts, but I decided to mix them - so it won't be so dull. 

This look is totally for summer. I forgot about this lovely shirt - and what a colour <3 And pants that I bought in Frankfurt - are just perfect for hot summer evenings. Baggy and comfy. I really like that kind of pants - they remind me of typical Bosnian/Turkish "dimije".

I added my gypsy earrings and here it is - simple outfit for summer evenings:)


četrtek, avgust 21, 2014

Revolution shopping

Okay! Time to finally write this article. It was waiting for me more than a month! I had so many other things to post that I just didn't manage to take time and write this one too! (and I already have a lot of posts waiting to be publish!)

I ordered some new things from licila.si, I got a lot of things from them for review, but this is my pick!

Gorgeous pigments - lovley colors, but it's hard to use them, the package is not the best, but I like them anyway.

The pallete. I was choosing and choosing, they have so many pallets! But then I decided for this one, with natural and more dark eye shadows, perfect for my everyday makeup.

I like the quality too, for 6 euros I think it really is great.

Hm. I really wanted those lipsticks, but formula is not impressing me. They are really pigmented, but my lips are dry when I use it and some colours are totally "too much".

They made mistake at this one, I ordered different colours but anyway - they told me to keep it and they send me the right palette anyway. But I'm using this one really a lot of times, so it really works for me!

Lipsticks are great! For only 2 euros, really great! They are moisturising enough and really pigmented. Big like!

Blush is really great, but the colour is a little bit more pinky, then on the photos. But still - I will used it up, don't worry :D

Do you want me to do extra representation of some products and use it in my everyday makeup? Just let me know :)


torek, avgust 19, 2014

Amsterdam love

Another day in Amsterdam - It was really windy - my hair is not looking the best, but still - like I already said a million times, I love this city. I love those steps they have in from of every house, that's why I wanted to take photos here. It was really hot and I was wearing my new shoes. Don't ask what's the story behind those shoes, because it's a long one haha, I don't like them so much - but those are just so full of glitters, that I had to have them!

Now I have a question, which posts do you like to read the most?

- Outfits, makeups, my makeup products, reviews...

And if you want that I make some special tutorial (thinking about : how I curl my hair) or you have any questions, please ask :) I saw some questions on forums, but I think that is the easier way and the only right one - if you ask me. 

Wish you all a wonderful day! Kisses!


ponedeljek, avgust 18, 2014

Stenders chocolate

Spet dišeči Stenders paketki! 

Stenders definitivno postaja ena izmed mojih najljubših znamk! Tokrat so me presenetili z čokoladnim paketkom, ki vsebuje tuš gel in pa piling. Vonj je božanski, tu nimam kaj. Kot bi se namakala v litrih čokolade. 

Še posebej pa se mi zdi komplet primeren za zimo, ker je vonj bolj "zimski" in sladek.

Brez kritike, spet dva super izdelka.

Hvala Stenders!

Trgovino najdete v City Parku, lahko pa naročite izdelke tudi preko interneta.

P.s. Izdelke sem zanalašč poslikala kot sem jih dobila, lepo zapakirane z okrasjem.

sobota, avgust 16, 2014

Magical Dusseldorf

We woke up in Wuppertal that day, spend a day in wonderful Dusseldorf and went to bed in Frankfurt. Yep, we are one crazy couple. 

Like I mentioned before, I really have a gipsy kind of heart, I can travel all the time and I won't get tired of it.

It was my second time in wonderful Dusseldorf, a little bit of shopping and lunch in thai restaurant and our day was over too soon!

Few photos from the center of that wonderful city. I was wearing my favourite trousers, my gold top and my white H&M blazer. 

Totally full of glitters and flowers, but hey - that's me.

Have an amazing weekend everyone!



petek, avgust 15, 2014

Maybelline - Street artist

I bought this one in Germany, I really like shopping there - in DM, because the prices are lower than in Slovenia! And the choice is so much bigger... 

So, here it is. New Maybelline nail polish with P2 pink nail polish, which looks like essie Fiji.

I really like this one - it looks nice on light nail polishes.

I'll enjoy this rainy days behind books :)

And you?


sreda, avgust 13, 2014

Bronze look

I decided to post this look! Nothing really special, but still I was trying my new products I bought in Germany/Holland.

So, here we go!

Rival de Loop bronzer - Can you believe it? I never had bronzers. Only blushes, highlighters - and now I'm so excited to use it. It's so pigmented that I really need to be careful! But I really like this summer glow!

L'oreal Paris lipstick - Oh. I love those lipstick. Formula, smell - L'oreal I adore you. (after those photos were taken my mother took this lipstick for herself :( But still - I think this colour is gorgeous. 

Essence new eye shadow - Totally pigmented, creamy eye shadow from Essence! It is not in Slovenia yet, but I really like it. I combine also some others but this one really looks nice. Even if I really don't like Essence's eyeshadows, this one rocks!

Do you have any of those products? :)

Wish you all a wonderful day!


torek, avgust 12, 2014

Selfie in Amsterdam

Today I decided to post my look from Amsterdam. I love this city, it's simply one of the prettiest Europe capitals, I must say!

I was there 7 years ago with my family and now with my man, the most shocking moment was - when we found out that airplane accident happened - and we were staying really close to the Schiphol airport. Of course we went there to see flowers and things people left there... It was one of the most emotional moments on all trip. I was crying, seeing those photos and just thinking about it,... It was something really special.

But I don't want to make this post sad, so I just want to say - that I really love Amsterdam, I totally forgot how beautiful this city is and it's not so far away (1400km) so I hope I will visit it again soon!
My simple look : new top (vero moda), lipstick (makeup revolution), leopard shorts (ebay), opi nail polish.


ponedeljek, avgust 11, 2014

Essie - Go ginza

This one I adore. My love bought it for me in Germany, and I really think that this could be the new Fiji. Fiji is probably the most popular Essie nail polish - but this one is also very classic, light - except with a little bit of violet. I really like it!

Go, go ginza!


sobota, avgust 09, 2014


Today my love is celebrating his b-day! And tonight we're going to party this day with our friends in little town in Slovenia - were my boyfriend is one of the Dj's on big summer party! 

So, back to outfit!

I bought this amazing kimono on Schiphol - Amsterdam airport! I fell in love with it immediately. It wasn't cheep, but I think it really is worth it. It's one of the prettiest pieces I have <3

We make those photos in Wuppertal, big city in Germany. I really think it looks like German San Franscisco. 

Wish u all a happy day!


petek, avgust 08, 2014

Green line

Zamujam s tole objavo! Večina bloggerk je že predstavila izdelka, meni pa nekako ni uspelo tako hitro stestirati kremice in micelarne raztopine.

Micelarna raztopina - Končno nekaj slovenskega! Še tako bolj z veseljem sprobam tale izdelek - ker vsebuje Radensko! Slovensko vodo. Izdelek zelo hitro odstrani ličila, vonj je cvetličen - meni je všeč, ni premočen za moj okus. Skratka vse kar sem pričakovala od micelarne vode sem našla v tem izdelku. Porablja se počasi, jaz uspem z 2-3 vatkami ostraniti vsa ličila (seveda sledi še piling, tonik itd.). Cena, okoli 4 eur.

Krema - Krema zelo lepo diši in je zelo lahke strukture. Za vlažilno kremo se mi zdi malo preveč vpijajoča, meni kože ne navlaži tako zelo kot bi si želela, pa vendarle se mi zdi super kot dnevna krema. Za nočno pa bi izbrala kakšno bolj vlažilno. Cena, okoli 7 eur.

Izdelka sta imela pozitiven učinek na mojo kožo, oba lahko le pohvalim :)

Ima še katera izkušnje?


četrtek, avgust 07, 2014

Garden in Stuttgart

Here we are! My second outfit post from my trip!

But I will write this in Slovenian language because something really special happened. 

Verjamete v naključja? Usodo? No, nevem kako naj imenujem to kar se je zgodilo v Stuttgartu. Verjetno je bilo usojeno da sva se srečali. In sicer z slovensko super simpatično in res lušno blogerko Slađi iz Indestructible style! Bil je popolnoma običajen dan, s fantom sva nakupovala na Konig Strasse v Stuttgartu in po naključju sem zavila v enega izmed 5 H&M-jev na tej ogromni ulici. In ko sem se prerivala mimo polic "Sale" sem videla nek znan obraz. V Stuttgartu? Pa saj nobenega ne poznam tu. Nato pa sem se spomnila da Slađi (ki sem jo poznala samo preko bloga,instagrama) živi v Stuttgartu. Malo neverjetno se mi je zdelo da bi se v pol miljonskem mestu dve punci iz Slovenije, blogerki tako naključno srečali. Pa vendarle se nisem zmotila in jo ogovorila. 

Kasneje sva se tudi dobili v njenem novem domu v Stuttgartu kjer sva se s fantom "ustavila samo za pol urce" nato pa smo skupaj preživeli  5 ali 6 ur, slovenski blogerki z nemškima fantoma - res kot v filmu.

Z nobeno blogerko se nisem še tako odkrito "poštekala" in predvsem odkrito pogovarjala o kritikah, res smešnih začetkih bloga, pogumu za vztrajanje in predvsem želji po izražanju in biti to kar si. 

Slađi je neverjetna punca, nisva mogli verjeti kako sva se tako našli in se tako dobro razumeli - če bi planirali srečanje, se nebi tako končalo. Res sem uživala da sem spoznala tebe in Marka! :)

Zdaj pa k outfitu. Stuttgart je bil vroč! Zato mi ni preostalo drugega kot bolj ohlapna oblačila - novo dolgo krilo iz HM in preprosti kodrčki za popestritev ter uhančki. Vse ostalo bi bilo v tej vročini odveč!

Danes pa v Deichmann po nove čevlje, obeta se spet novo sodelovanje tokrat z njimi.


nedelja, avgust 03, 2014

Gallardo and me

Another day, another outfit. This one is also from Stuttgart, from Motors World - which is amazing place if you like cars!

I decided to make a blog post with Gallardos, which I really like. Even if I think old Lamborghinis are more interesting for example : Diablo and Countach. 

Wearing my favourite floral pants and my crop turtle neck top. I decided for hair bun because it was windy and my hair would be all around this Motors World haha :D

What do you think? :)


P.s. I'm going away for few days again, can't wait to get some energy and rest at the seaside <3 

I love traveling, but walking around the cities all day, exploring the country can be really exhausting. We made 2750 km around the Europe which is really a lot, but still my record is 8500 km :D.

petek, avgust 01, 2014

Eos lip balm

Tako! Končno sem se odločila, da vam predstavim ta izdelek, ki je obnorel svet. Vedno zelo z "rezervo" sprobavam različne prodajne hite - nočem imeti pričakovanj, hočem res oblikovati svoje mnenje - in ne le mnenje ki ga ima večina.

Tudi tukaj sem se držala svojega prepričanja in popolnoma objektivno sprobala nove lip balme - EOS. 

Kaj mi je všeč?

Embalaža je res izvirna, majhen "jajček", prikupna ideja in predvsem praktična - balzam je takoj ko odpremo "jajček" ready! Nobenega stiskanja, nobenega mučenja - takoj je pripravljen na uporabo. Tudi vonj mi je zelo všeč!

Kaj me je motilo?

Zdi se mi da ustnice premalo navlaži. Vse ostalo mi je res všeč, vendar pa so čez pol ure že suhe in je potreben ponovni nanos. Zame osebno - sama formula ni najboljša, ampak mi je izdelek vseeno že zaradi same uporabe zelo všeč. Priročen. Upam pa, da bodo v prihodnje naredili izdelek, ki bo naše ustnice bolje navlažil :)


Imate izkušnje? :)

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