Vow to Fashion

četrtek, julij 31, 2014

1. day - Stuttgart

Hello everyone!

I'm back! I'm always sad when I have to leave the countries where I feel like at home, but still I love returning to Slovenia. To my lovely family and friends and of course the blog!

Nothing better than this feeling! <3

So, I have many outfits, things and makeups to show you, but first you must know 3 things.

1. Outfits are quite similar. Because I didn't have so many clothes with me, so I had to combine the same pieces on a different way.

2. Outfits are comfy and casual. When I'm on a trip I'm around the city all day, museums, shopping and discovering new buildings and culture - so I have to wear something comfortable.

3. I got inspired. Big cities inspire me, that's why I went crazy few times with prints and different colors.

So, for the first day in Stuttgart I decided for this leopard dress, which is perfect for hot days - and for the Porsche museum, which was so great! I was so excited to see Carrera GT for the first time in my life and I saw 3 in one day, crazy!

Some curls and nude pink lipstick by Clarins.


P.s. Would you like to see only outfits (first) or mixed? :)

nedelja, julij 27, 2014

Floral pants

Guten tag everyone! I have finally found a computer so I decided to post another look! Right now I`m in Frankfurt, my europe road trip is slowly coming to an end, I have so many things to show you, so many outfits and new things I got in different cities.

I`m also excited about my collaboration with Deichmann which will happen as soon as I come back to Slovenia!

But right now I will enjoy the gorgeous weather here in my beloving Frankfurt!

I missed blogging so much, talk to you soon! :)



četrtek, julij 17, 2014


I almost forgot about those shorts!

But here they are with my oversized top, I really thought this is just gonna be another casual outfit, but then I added high heels and everything changed.

Today I'm going on a ROAD TRIP! 2500 km, 5 cities and only me and my love! <3

Can't wait! More in my next posts or - instagram (I really don't like to post instagrams when I'm on my vacations because I really want to live it to the fullest and enjoy the moment, but maybe I will post a photo or two!)

Goodbye for now!

Love, Katja

torek, julij 15, 2014


Another really classic Viva la vida outfit, stripes (I seriously need to stop with stripes, soon!), my all time favourite blazer, favourite and the most practical bag I ever have and some light curls!

I forgot my sunglasses in boyfriend's car - so I had to wear those, I don't like them too much, but still - not so horrible :D

Only two days left to my second summer trip, but this one is gonna be really huge!



ponedeljek, julij 14, 2014

Bourjois - velvet 02

Veliko objav sem prebrala o tem izdelku, pa vendarle nikoli nisem zbrala dovolj razlogov da bi ga preizkusila. Dokler nisem imela res slabega dne in značilna poteza mojega predragega fanta je bila "pridi, greva v Mullerja in si boš nekaj lepega zbrala, da te malo pocrkljam". 

In tako je v moji zbirki pristala tale matt šminka. Mislila sem da bo bolj mastna, bolj negovalna - pa vendarle, me ni razočarala. Pigmentacija je nora, nikakor ne zgine z ustnic! In obstojnost je tudi pohvalna. Malo se moram navaditi na občutek, da ni čista navadna šminka - drugače pa je odtenek res intenziven in drzen.
Za tiste, ki vam je to všeč - je popolna.

Odtenek 02. 


Kaj pa ve, imate kakšne izkušnje s to šminko? :)

nedelja, julij 13, 2014

TAG : 12 things about me

1. I love speaking in spanish language. I take any chance there is to speak that beautiful language, me gusta tanto que no puedo explicar!

Sevilla, 2010 and arabic spanish friend :D

2. I love eating bosnian food. I'm really lucky that my grandma is from Bosnia, so she is my main cook for baklava, burek and other awesome bosnian stuff.

3. I love history. I love reading history books and watching history channel, I'm quite a geek for all the battles and wars. 

4. I'm dancer. I was dancing jazz ballet, step dance, belly dance and now I'm Zumba instructor.

5. When I was 7 I started to play a violin. I also played in Orchestra - I loved it, it was amazing to play with aprox. 30 other violins and cellos!

6. My friends say : that I talk too much, have too much energy and some of them can't stand that I looove talking to tourists from latin countries :'D

7. My favourite cities are : Dubai, Frankfurt, Sevilla and Ljubljana.

8. I love balkan, latin, arabic, indian and gipsy music. I really like the energy and rhythm of that music. I can't listen that music and NOT dance. Impossible, ops!

9. I speak slovenian, bosnian, english, spanish and german. I understand a little portuguese, french and macedonian. I would love to learn ... Arabic, Macedonian, Portugeese, Hindi... Too many wishes, too little time.

10. Since I had my first tattoo, I knew it won't stay this way. Right now, I'm a proud owner of 3 tattoos <3

11. I love rabbits. Those little animals are always by my side, I got my first one when I was 5 and now my fifth rabbit is with me for almost 8 years <3

12. I love mountains. Skiing or hiking, I love it <3 (not to mention my latest obsession - ski jumping)

Dolomiti 2011 
Under Triglav (2011)

Now you know some things about me, you didn't know before. I'm not just a student and blogger but also lover of soooo many things.
Which one is the biggest surprise? :)


P.s. I'm for Germany today! That's not a big surprise but still, I really think they have a good chance to win! :)

petek, julij 11, 2014

Simple with leopard

So, this is how my "easy going" outfit looks like. Maxi skirt for hot summer days, little leopard blouse to make it more casual and simple sandals - because I was all around the city that day :)

Simple, easy going and comfortable :)

I'm so excited about today's event in Ikona - I'm finally going to meet gorgeous Slovenian beauty bloggers! :) And also more about Kardashian cosmetics!

How I wore this maxi dress before :

Outfit number 1 (2 months ago)

Outfit number 2 (1 year ago)

Wish you all a positive day! 


četrtek, julij 10, 2014

Kiko haul

I'm back! I was at the seaside few days, leaving the world, internet and worries - behind me. It felt really good to be away from everything! But now - back to blogging!

I owe you this post - what I bought in Kiko last week. I really love Kiko cosmetics - but every time I step into the shop I really don't know where to start! Too much nail polishes for good price, too much everything!

So, here are my picks this time. 

I really like the lipstick and I think it will (soon) become one of my favourite lipsticks. I chose nude lip gloss - because lately I really don't have any nude lipstick or lip glosses - so I needed this. (no, you didn't - my wallet speaking)


nedelja, julij 06, 2014

Black and white

This is one of my favourite looks! I simply love the stripes, last year I've been wearing stripes so many times!

But this time I was creating a combination for Front Row Shop that send me this gorgeous bag!

I made it all black and white. Simple, but still not everybody would wear it, top and bag are so good together - it's really a crazy combination, but I like it - different.

What do you think?


sobota, julij 05, 2014

Magical Kiko

Sometimes there are just to many posts to show you and too little time for everything.

But still - I owe you my Kiko haul from Italy! But now - teaser! This one is my favourite from this haul, I bought 3 nail polishes, 1 lipstick and nude lipgloss. 

I really like metal shades last few months and liquid sands (which I hated first) so... Here it is, summer vibe on my nails!

Katja :)

petek, julij 04, 2014

Makeup revolution number 2

Spletna trgovina Licila.si nas je kar nekaj bloggerk spet razveselila. Tokrat z naslednjimi pridobitvami : 

Mini paletka senčk - Vesela sem, da so mi poslali to barvo. Zelene in rjave senčke so kot nalašč za punce z zelenimi očmi, tako vaša barva oči še posebej izstopa. Senčke so dobro pigmentirane, lahko tudi same vidite, paletka je super, predvsem praktična za potovanja. Moti me le to, ker so (kako naj se izrazim...) senčke v profilu - v "hribčku". Malo težje jih je nanašati s čopičem, pa vendarle ko se bojo malo porabile bo lažje. Drugače pa sem zelo zadovoljna z pigmentacijo in barvami.

Lakec - Moram ga še preizkusiti, res me zanima ali je prekriven ali ne, bom pa o tem še poročala. Barva mogoče ni ravno prava zame, vendar upam da se dovolj sveti haha :)

Senčka - Zlata senčka, z tekočino katero dodaš senčki in vse skupaj pomešaš in senčka naj bi še bolj sijala in bila še obstojnejša. Prvič sem za to slišala 2 leti nazaj v Nemčiji, ko sem nakupovala v trgovini Inglot (super makeup, vendar malo drag) vendar je samo tekočina stala 15 eur tako da sem to preskočila. Tukaj pa je cenejša verzija, vendar se mi zdi da se tale senčka ne obnese tako dobro s tekočino - pigmenti od Inglota, pa se super pomešajo. Tudi te najdete na njihovi spletni strani (seveda od Makeuprevolution).
 (zelooo so ugodni, le 2 eur - in so že na moji wishlisti)

Najlepša hvala licila.si da so nas spet tako lepo pocrkljali :)

sreda, julij 02, 2014

Dolce vita, Italia!

One of my favourite italian songs <3 (for the background :D)

So, this was the outfit I wore on little trip to Italia. Me and my love wanted to see the city Udine a little better, do some shopping and enjoy the real Italy. 

When I travel I always wear something comfortable, because I want to see, feel and hear the country where I am. I reeeeally adore traveling. I always want to know at least 10 words in the language where I travel. So, that's how I learn a little arabic, greek, turkish...

So, there is no place for high heels on my travels - but still I'm keeping it chic.

So the striped dress and a leather vest was my combination for Italy. I never thought city Udine is so wonderful - the centre is simply gorgeous! What a shame I didn't visited it before...

Have a lovely day everyone!


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