Vow to Fashion

četrtek, februar 28, 2013

Outfit. Blazer with glitters.

Hola chicas!
Včeraj sem našla blazer na katerega sem skoraj pozabila. Ker sem bila na faksu, ter (spet!) po trgovinah s sošolkami, sem se odločila za malo bolj praktično frizuro - čop. Zadnje čase mi je zelo všeč, ker me lasje nič ne motijo. In uhani pridejo malo bolj do izraza. :)

Make-up bi lahko opredelila kot moj "tipični", rjavo črno senčilo Sephora, moje najljubše. 

Tudi elastika je nova - naročena na Ebayu, spet po zelo smešni ceni :)

Zdaj pa še malo med knjige, spet sem gledala skoke, letos moram priznati, neverjetno vestno spremljam slovenske športnike. Bravo Peter Prevc! :)


sreda, februar 27, 2013

New in. Price doesn't matter, color does!

Spet novi lakci. Nisem ravno zagovornica dragih lakov, saj jih zelo pogosto menjam, na nekaj dni in še lepše odtenke sem našla pri firmah ki nimajo pretiranih cen. In res je super občutek da si lahko za ceno enega Diorjevega laka kupiš kar 10 lakov drugih firm :)

Saj veste kako pravijo "Obleke si lahko kupi vsak, stila ne."

In kmalu bom objavila še slikce mojih novih čevljev. Včeraj sem namreč (spet) malo zapravljala. Dva para. Petk. Ups. Kmalu na blogu!

P.s. Enega sem že takoj sprobala, nisem ravno potrpežljiva, heh :)

torek, februar 26, 2013

Outfit. Fur and black.


I promise, for the last time "black"!
Hola blogerji in blogerce! Tokrat spet malo v slovenščini. Zadnje čase nosim ogromno črno barvo in obljubim da se bom kmalu spremenila v mavrico - saj se bliža pomlad! :) In ker sem velika ljubiteljica različnih barv ter vzorcev vam zagotavljam da bo moj blog kmalu preplavljen z barvami! :)

In zato vam obljubljam - zadnjič v (skoraj) popolnoma črni kombinaciji. Tokrat sem dodala moje "čupaste" gamaše, katere so popolnoma navdušile mojo sošolko Andrejo. Malo extra, ampak to sem jaz. :)

Želim vam prijeten večer ter uspešen dan! :)


ponedeljek, februar 25, 2013

New in. Spikes and studs!

All about spikes and studs.
Moram priznati, da na začetku vse te "spikes and studs" manije, nisem bila najbolj navdušena nad vsem tem... Vendar stil se spreminja, prav tako tudi moj. Odločila sem se, da bom dala novemu stilu priložnost in preizkusila vključiti tele "špice" še v moj stil in uspelo mi je.

Več o tem v naslednjih dneh/outfitih.

1. Gumica, z zlatimi (ja, še vedno se ji ne morem upreti)
2. Uhančki

Toliko za danes, več vam pripravljam v prihodnje!

Katja :)

nedelja, februar 24, 2013

Outfit. Winter!

I'm not such a big fan of winter. I love the air, snow and all that, but ... Clothes... In winter? Nah. Not for me. I looove heels and skirt and all the short things - so winter is really not givin me opportunity to express myself in fashion. 

But still... I found this combination kinda cute and I want to share it with you :)

We have so many snow here in Slovenia, it's been snowing now for three days! Non stop!

If you're missing snow - I can send it to you from here! :)

Wish you all a lovely Sunday! :*


sobota, februar 23, 2013

Thank you all!

Hvala/Danke/Thank you/Gracias/Merci/Dank u/Grazie/Děkuji/Tack/Kiitos!

Just wanna say that I am so grateful and happy that so many of you are visiting and following my blog! A little bit of my statistics.

Views on blog : 46.940
Members on blog : 178
Fans on Facebook : 465

and smiles on my face? Few millions. 

Thank you all, Viva la Vida is becoming bigger and bigger and that is all because of you! :)


petek, februar 22, 2013

Outfit. Women in black.

Quick hello!
My today's outfit. Jeans skirt which is sooo tight, but I love it anyway, some glitters on my vest and simple basic top. Simple combination but still like it.

Moooore new things in next few days! So excited!


Have a lovely weekend all of u! :***

četrtek, februar 21, 2013

New in. I missed you, green.

I miss green.
Snow is everywhere and I really can not wait for a moment - to wear this dress for the first time!

I had some busy days and my health wasn't the best but now I'm feeling better!

What do u think? :)


sreda, februar 20, 2013

Outfit. Warm and classy.

So warm!
Wearing my new (so warm!) sweater which is soooo soft! And my gold skirt which I re-discovered few days ago and become obsessed with it, ha :)

Some jewerly - classic gold :)

i've been ill those days, so I hope I'll get better because I have so many new stuff to show u :)


ponedeljek, februar 18, 2013

Make up. Eye lashes.

Let's play with lashes.
Just got those lashes from ebay, for such a funny prize, so low! 
And can't wait to try them!

Hmmm, maybe smoky or arabic make up? :)

Stay tunned!

nedelja, februar 17, 2013

Outfit. Black, with gold heart.

Black but with gold heart.
Tokrat sem ponovno nosila moje "leather" hlače, ki so res super oprijete... Ter za njih dobila ogromno pohval! Dodala sem novo "golden heart" majico, ki sem jo kupila prejšnji teden. Je popolnoma "basic" majica, vendar ravno takšnih mi primanjkuje! 

V kratkem sem nakupila še nekaj noro lepih kosov in komaj čakam da vam jih vse pokažem! :) Oblekce, nakit, puloverji, kratke hlače... :)

Zdaj pa nazaj k učenju! :)


petek, februar 15, 2013

New in. Orange and pink!

Nail polish - Alessandro 

More colors!
Can't wait for my spring outfits full of colors! So I'm preparing for totally new style and colors!

Can't wait to show u all the outfits that I will wear in spring - full of new ideas! :)

Love, Katja

sreda, februar 13, 2013

Outfit. Lunch with my love

Going to lunch.
Just an hour ago, I was having lunch with my love in a mexican restaurant and listening to latin music - almost all songs were from my Zumba class!

And now - back to studying! Just two days left to exam!

Stay gold, love


torek, februar 12, 2013

What's in my bag?

What's in my bag?
1. Umbrella. Flower power!
2. Index for my university grades. So far so good!
3. Phone. My pig <3
4. My wallet - gotta buy a new one!
5. L'occitane hand creme <3 Love it. (thank u Tanita!)
6. H&M for work
7. Make up stuff
8. Tissues


nedelja, februar 10, 2013

“You put high heels on and you change.”

Here we go!
One of my outfits that are a little bit extra! First time that I finally found what goes together with my american heels :) Jeans top bolero and curls! :)

Heels are 17,5 cm high - and finally I can look at my boyfriend in the eyes without looking up :D

What do you think? Too much or just right for me? :)


Don't forget to follow me on instagram : @katjagrudnik (Viva la Vida Blog)

sobota, februar 09, 2013

Slovenian fashion bloggers

Something new.
Hi guys! :) There's something new about my blog! Now you can find me here also http://modniblogi.si where are collected posts from fashion bloggers from Slovenia. They are posted daily :)

And you can find Viva la Vida there too! :)

Wish u all a wonderful day :) <3


četrtek, februar 07, 2013

Cold day

One of those days.
When you don't wanna get out of the bed and prepare for class and  all the things you must to through the day!

I wanna in my bed and watch Sex and the city. That would be a perfect day. (studying all the time!)

So this was one of my "lazy outfits".

Wish you all ... happiness and love!

torek, februar 05, 2013

Let's do it !


Still here.
This is my yesterday's outfit. It's kinda classic for me. Heels, skirt and gold jewerly - but I'm trying to wear something different everytime - but unfortunatelly I'm in love with gold jewerly!

Love this top and belt <3 Almost forgot about this belt - but I love it!

I'm so tired, this studying is exhausting! 

But still... Happy to have a chance to learn all those laws and facts about my country :)

Thank for all the comments - and followers!


ponedeljek, februar 04, 2013

New in !

Que pasa chicas?!
Today I was at University after a long time, and I must say I could not get out of my bed! Waking up early - not a thing for me!

I had some funny conversations with my friends that make me laugh so much! Thanks for that Andreja! :)

And ofcourse, lovely lunch with my favorite one <3

Now? Studying and Zumba.

- got these new things last week, forgot to post it here! I love them all, you could see top in my previous post!

Love, Katja :*
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