Vow to Fashion

sreda, december 31, 2014

Outfits November/December

This month is coming to an end and so does year 2014. 
I don't wanna do all "I will be a better person" in 2015, because you can change - every day. 

But I will say, it was quite a productive year as a blogger and I loved every photoshoot, writing every single post and commenting on other blogs posts!

Those are my latest outfit, some of them will be on blog soon! 

I must say THANK YOU ALL for support, for keep on reading my posts & commenting. You can not imagine how every tiny little support affects on me and my motivation.



Viva la vida blog

ponedeljek, december 29, 2014

Mac : lipsticks

I really wanted to show you my Mac's lipsticks. I first didn't liked them... Because I have this feeling that expensive cosmetics is overrated sometimes. But with Mac, I think is totally worth this money.

I have 4 Mac lipsticks, not included lipsticks in Mac palette... 

My favourite is definitely :  New York apple (first on picture)! I wore it here (click!) and just loving it so much!

I can't believe I actually bought only 2 of them, the rest was gift from my love and neighbour who went to California for the summer (thanks babe!<3).

Must say, I really like the smell of those lipstick, pigmentation and the matte formula. Normally I don't like matte lipstick but with Mac... I adore them. The red one (3rd on picture) is all fired up (you asked me a lot about this one) and the second velvet teddy.

Which are your favourite shades from Mac? I would really like to know!


nedelja, december 28, 2014

My basics

Waking up in a snowy morning, finally! <3

Everybody is talking about snow, I'm so happy it's finally here! Watching ski jumping and skiing world cup is so much better in this atmosphere! 

So, about this outfit...

It's all I love to wear lately. Nothing new, but totally "vivalavida". My "famous" red hat, haha I just loose to wear it. Stripes, jeans and my furry jacket.

Simple, but still interesting outfit. Different patterns and red for making it a little bit more colourful. 

Today we're having a typical slovenian family lunch and then... Ski jumping in Obersdorf! <3 Can't wait to see what our boys will prepare for us!

Love & hugs


sobota, december 27, 2014

Missha cosmetics review

O Misshi

Kozmetika Missha je postala zelo priljubljena po celem svetu zaradi svoje kakovosti, naravnih sestavin in modernega dizajna. 

Vsi Misshini produkti - BB kreme, ličila, izdelki za nego kože in nego telesa, šamponi in izdelki za oblikovanje las temeljijo na najnovejših odkritjih na področju molekularne biologije, kozmetike in dermatologije. Missha upošteva želje svojih uporabnikov in jih uporablja za nenehno izboljševanje in širjenje ponudbe izdelkov. Za razliko od večine konkurentov Misshini produkti ​​izvirajo samo iz Južne Koreje, ki je še en razlog, zakaj je znamka Missha postala priljubljena po celem svetu. 

BB krema (TOP OF THE TOP!)

Misshe nisem poznala, čeprav zadnje čase odkrivam korejsko kozmetiko - pa sem tole znamko spregledala. Slovenski zastopniki Misshe najdete jih tukaj (klik, klik) so mi v spoznavanje te znamke poslali tri produkte. Piling, kremo za roke in njihovo božansko BB kremo.

BB krem še nisem testirala, preprosto so me v trgovini odvrnile tiste oranžne, pretemne in preveč tekoče kreme. Vendar Missha me je popolnoma očarala. Krema je (kot vidite na slikah) svetla in ne oranžna. Lepo se razmaže, deluje kot matt krema in kožo hkrati navlaži. Že zadnje nekaj tednov jo uporabljam namesto pudra - saj se mi pozimi zdi fino, če je koža tudi navlažena in nahranjena. Krema je top resnično! Jo močno priporočam, tudi tistim z res svetlim odtenkom kože.


Najbolj nežen in najbolj droben piling kar sem jih kdaj imela. Sama imam sicer rajši tiste, ki so malo bolj grobi in mi pomagajo pri suhi koži - vendar pa je tale popoln - če želite narediti nežen piling, ki nebi kože preveč zdražil. Tudi vonj je zelo nevtralen, izdelek se mi zdi super. Pa še zanimive embalaže imajo! :)

Krema za roke

Zelo zanimiva emalaža, kremica diši in se hitro vpije. Ker imam res suhe roke imam raje bolj mastne in vlažilne kreme, ta pa je nekje vmes med tistimi ki se hitro vpijejo in tistimi, ki še dolgo ostanejo na rokah. Tako da, če imate rade da se krema vpije in ne pušča sledi vam jo definitivno priporočam.

Najbolj pa vam priporočam BB kremo, ker je res prekrivna, vlažilna a hkrati matt! (super za mlado kožo)!

P.s. Moram se zahvaliti D. in A. za super zabaven večer včeraj, po dolgem času je bila na sporedu - latino glasba in mislim da smo se vse naplesale za nekaj dni naprej haha :) <3 Love u girls!


petek, december 26, 2014

About Christmas makeup

Merry Christmas to everyone! 

I got some really nice presents, I will take few photos later and show it to you (not all) but some of them :)

I chose classic shiny makeup for Christmas eve, with new Sephora palette and New York Apple lipstick from Mac :)

I hope you're all healthy and spending a cosy time with your families! <3 I'm feeling kinda ill again, but I'll start my day with cosy walk on the sunshine to give me some energy <3


sreda, december 24, 2014

USA Mac & Sephora haul

This post will be HUGE. But Sephora and Mac really deserve it. I'm a big Sephora fan for more then 6 years now. My father brought me my first Sephora palette from USA and since then I always loved their eye shadows. When my dad's friend went to US to visit his daughter, I grabbed a chance and order something from Mac and Sephora! The prices are lower there, than here in Europe!

This is my 5th or 6th Sephora palette. But first one with baked eyeshadows. I'm dreamy. I will post a swatch later, but this is just an amazing palette with everyday colours. It costed about 30 eur. But totally worth every single cent!

The second one was really cheeep! Only 10 $ which is about 8 euro! I had to have it and here it is. Totally useful colors, for everyday! :) Another product that is really great is this one click, click!

This is my first MAC single eyeshadow, I have a palette already (amazing dad!) find it here (click, click) and I'm impressed! It really not cheep... 16$ which is 12 euros, but worth trying it :) I totally love this gold shade, I'm wearing it everyday!

So... What else could be written about Mac lipstick more than "we all love them"?! 

I decided (after few hours of watching swatches) for New york apple (red one) and Velvet teddy (nude). New York apple is really an amazing red, I'm actually wearing it here (click, click) and the "nude" one is the famous Kylie Jenner lipstick. I really don't like her too much, fake lips are not my style (even if I get a questions a lot of times if I had botox job about my lips haha, nope just great gens) - but the makeup is nice so - this one should look really natural and soft. I will make another post about it.

I hope you liked the post, I'm totally in love with all my picks and can't wait to use them. Makeup is making me so happy! <3


I'll be spending my christmas with my boyfriend's family, they celebrate it traditionally German way, so it's always fun! :)


torek, december 23, 2014

NOTD : Catrice - Must have STEEL-etto

Long time since I posted a proper NOTD post. Lately I love light colors and metal shades, so I decided to try this Catrice nail polish which looked promising. I love it. It's simply what I want to have on my nails lately, metal look with glitters.

Simular post : here, I already posted a Catrice gold shade, really similar to this one.

I think this one is really perfect for Christmas evening too! Can't believe, how quickly December past by... Crazy.

P.s. Expect a LOT of posts in next days. I will try to post everyday because I have too many things to show you! <3

Hugs & love,


ponedeljek, december 22, 2014

Lifestyle : Happiness books

I think that is finally time that I say a word or two (or few hundred haha) about my way of thinking about happiness. 

I started to buy and read books about good, happy vibes about 4-5 years ago. I felt like I need something more than just thoughts, first it all started with reading the famous Secret, slowly I began to realise that this is really working! But it's so hard to think positive all the time. 

So I began to buy those really positive books which you read each day one page and you simply can not think the other way, because you remind yourself every morning that it's all about positive mind.

So, I'm reading it at the end of the day now and when I wake up. And I must say, it's all working. But it's really hard. 

The basic rule "Think good and good will come to you".

Sending you all love & hugs <3


Hair extensions

Searching for good hair extensions? I have an idea for you! The amazing online shop, which offers so many different shades and lenghts of hair - that anyone can find something for them!

I found those extensions really nice and high quality! Take a look!

They say :

"CChairextensions.com team is devoting in offering customers 100% Indian remy human hair extensions with high quality on reasonable prices. We are enthusiastic about what we do, and aim to provide the most beautiful hair extensions to bring you greater charm. We ensure you that you can get what you have paid for.

We are dedicated to produce our hair extensions with the highest quality. Our products are easy to use and maintain and with the most natural looking. We use 100% virgin Brazilian & Indian remy human hair, which is with highest quality in the current market. Our experts have over 20 years experience in the hair extensions industry."

Their facebook page :

The main page :

The weave hair :

Hair weave

Cheap long hair extensions :

Cheap long hair extensions

sobota, december 20, 2014

Arabic/indian makeup

I really didn't mean to post all those photos - but I just can't believe how my lovely Agnes (click to see her blog) turned me into an arabic indian princess with this makeup.

As you all know, I'm totally obsessed with arabian makeup, world... And this indian "bindi". Oh my gosh, I could really live in India and wear Sari and this bindi all the time! <3

Enough about my obsession with arabic, indian and spanish culture (but I really do love those countries and cultures with all my heart). 

About makeup

Agnes thought me a lot about contouring! She totally rocked all the shadows on my face and make it totally perfect. I can't believe how contouring can change everything :) I seriously need to buy Kabuki kit for contouring!

And the other thing - I normally don't use lip pencil, because my lips are very full and I don't like them to look "too big", but she showed me that with the right pencil - lips can really look nice and not too big. We used essence lip pencils, need to buy them too!

And it was all about good blending and the gel eye liner - made the final "cherry on top". I really love this makeup (haven't been so excited in a long time haha), and I can't wait to create something new with her.

With love,


P.s. Photos are not changed a bit. No light, no contrast changing - nothing. 

četrtek, december 18, 2014

Outfit : Biker with DW

Good morning world!

I'm glad that I can show you my first outfit with Daniel Wellington watch! I decided to make something different and show you, that this watch can be used in different outfits. It can be classic, girly or more rocker/bikers outfit.
Since my dad got his bike - chopper, I really like the style of some women which are looking so amazing, with their cool leather jackets and own bikes! So sexy, independent and simply - so cool!
So you know where I got inspiration from.

So, let's say few words about this amazing leather jacket with dangles! I don't have a black leather jacket, but it's a "must" in every women's closet... So I got mine in New Yorker! Of course it's not a classic one, it's special - and I looove it, with those dangles it even looks more bikers's style!

So, all black outfit and just adding my Mac (all fired up - matte) lipstick and that's it. Statement, different and simply - me.
What do you think? :)

Wish you all an amazing day, tonight I'll be spending some time with my grandparents - showing them Ljubljana in christmas time! <3

P.s. Wearing this look makes me look and feel like a "badass girl" haha!

Use "blogvivalavida_holidays" to get 15% off when you're shopping at Daniel's Wellington!

torek, december 16, 2014

Bozic z Diamantkom

Pozor, pozor!

Ne boste verjele kako majhen je ta svet! Pri Zumbi sem po naključju ugotovila, da je ena izmed mojih plesalk tudi lastnica te luškane spletne trgovine z nakitom in takoj sem vas morala opozoriti nanjo!

Tudi sama sem se odločila za srebrne uhančke z elementi Swarovski (preverjeno, s certifikatom!) ki so res lepi klasični in mislim, da bi jih morala imeti vsaka ženska. (tako mlajša in malo starejša)

Zato vam predstavljam nekaj kosov nakita, ki so pritegnili mojo pozornost.

Seveda pa sem se z Kristino (lastnico) zmenila za božični in novoletni popust za vas, bralke!

10% popust na tudi ŽE znižane izdelke z kodo, ki jo vpišete v komentar


Zaživite in si privoščite kaj lepega, malo se pocrkljajte ali pa koga drugega.


ponedeljek, december 15, 2014

"The" scarf

Hello everyone!

I'm finally okay again, my health is totally fine and I can't wait to start this week with my workout in the morning fitness and in the evening Zumba!

Yesterday I spend some lovely time with my big family, my grandfather turned 72! We had an amazing lunch (babi hvala!) and we were looking an old pictures and laughing how everything changed. 

Did I ever mention my grandfather is a lucky man? He has 3 daughters and 4 grand daughters - all the family all the girls! :D

So back to outfit. Lately, as you can see - my outfits are quite minimalistic! But this is the outfit eeevery girl can wear! The famous scarf, pretty coat and black jeans & shoes & bag. Totally for everyone.

Wish you all a wonderful day, I'll start mine really active - and then breakfast with my love <3


By the way, I won one of the prizes on Firmoo contest, thank you so much for voting <3

nedelja, december 14, 2014

Mirati cosmetics

Mirati  je nova slovenska znamka kozmetike! Je pa čisto nova, stara kakšen mesec, tako da verjetno še niste slišali za njo (razen, če ste brali že na kakšnih slovenskih blogih o njej).

"Kozmetika MIRATI se zavzema, da vsaj 10 % dobička podari v dobrodelne namene. Po več kot dveh letih raziskav, razvoja in skrbni izbiri sestavin, formul ter povratnih informacij, vam z veseljem predstavljamo naših prvih sedem unikatnih izdelkov ustvarjenih v Sloveniji, na sončni strani Alp, in narejenih z ljubeznijo do narave in naravnih lepot. Prepričani smo, da je osebna nega lahko naravna, zdrava in odlična za vašo kožo. Uživajte v kozmetiki MIRATI!"

Glavna sestavina je maslo ghee, kaj pa je to?

Ghee [Gi] je prešiščeno maslo, ki se uporablja v kulinariki po vsem svetu, kot tudi pri izdelkih za osebno nego. Najdaljša zgodovinska tradicija uporabe masla Ghee prihaja iz današnjega ozemlja Indije. Umetnost izdelave kozmetike na podlagi Ghee masla je bila pozabljena, zaradi kozmetičnih izdelkov, ki temeljijo na kremni osnovi in sintetičnih rešitvah za nego kože.

Kaj pa pravim jaz?

Preizkušala seem face wash - tekoče milo za obraz! Moram priznati, da ima zelo specifičen vonj, nekaterim je lahko všeč, nekaterim pa ne. Vendar, ker je naraven je logično - da ne bo dodanih posebnih sestavin, da bo lepše dišal. Tekoče milo za obraz je zelo nežno in lepo odstrani nečistoče, ostanke ličil ter kožo lepo razmasti. Nič ne peče na koži, tudi ko je razdražena kar mi je posebej všeč. Vendar pa me ni presenetil oz. posebej navdušil. Čeprav je definitivno eden izmed najbolj nežnih izdelkov za čiščenje kože, vendar pa imam raje kakšnega, ki se bolj peni. Vendar je to stvar okusa. Mogoče bi morala preizkusiti še kakšen drug proizvod, da bi lahko bolj dobila občutek - kaj nam predstavlja kozmetika Mirati.

Ker pa sem dobila še kremo za roke, sem se odločila da jo podarim!

Tiste, ki bi si želele kremo za roke, všečkajte njihovo spletno stran tukaj in mi v komentar napišete mail.

Lep dan!

sobota, december 13, 2014

Satin supreme p2 : Mojadrogerija.si

Kupite ga tukaj! Kot vidite na slikah, že imam to kolekcijo lakov od prej. Zato sem tokrat iz Moje drogerije izbrala odtenek "the royal wedding", ker mi zadnje čase zelo pašejo nude odtenki (kar se še ni zgodilo) se mi zdi da je popoln. Malo metallic efect, vendar mi je ravno to všeč pri njem!

Lahko pa dobite tudi druge odtenke, tudi tiste iz prve slike. Imajo kar veliko izbiro, moram priznati :)

P2 laki se mi zdijo za nizko ceno, zelo kvalitetni. Če upoštevam dejstvo, da mi je lak na nohtih zdržal več kot 3 dni... Mislim, da ni kaj več za filozofirati - laki so super, se zelo hitro sušijo in za to ceno - super!

Zdaj pa nazaj navijat za naše skakalce! :)

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