Vow to Fashion

torek, junij 30, 2015

Dress and the city

Danes objavljam pozno! Če mi gre vse po načrtu, najrajši pišem objave zjutraj, ob jutranjem naravnem soku, ko sem naspana in se mi nikamor ne mudi.

Ampak, življenje je zadnje čase zelo dinamično in lovim trenutke ko se lahko v miru vsedem za računalnik in si vzamem čas zase in moj kotiček na spletu.

Trenutno, sem se končno spravila k sebi, za mano je 11 urni delavnik (pa se ne pritožujem, haha!) uživam v delu, vendar po tolkem času zbranosti in dela z ljudmi si utrujen... Moj plan z današnjih laufanjem sem uspela uresničiti, čeprav sem imela 0% energije, pa mi jo je laufanje povrnilo. 

Moj recept, ko rabim najti "notranji mir" in ravnovesje je definitivno TEK. Ko sem slabe volje, jezna, razočarana ali pa kot danes - utrujena, se spravim ven in odlaufam svojo pot po Ljubljani. Za Golovec je bilo danes prepozno, pa vseeno sem opazovala čudovito nebo, ki se je počasi mračilo, vonjala še zadnje cvetove preden zacvetijo... Prav lepo je teči ko se večeri, neverjeten mir v mestu - ki je čez dan tako budno. 

Danes sem malo filozofska, ampak tako nanese, blog je kotiček kjer se sprostim in kjer ne igram. Danes je pač naneslo, da malo zafilozofiram, haha!

OUTFIT -  Obleka kupljena v Stradivariousu, po prerekanju same sebe da imam že tako ali tako preveč črtastih oblek... Pa vseeno. Je noro udobna, zanimive dolžine in zato je pristala v omari. 

KOMAJ ČAKAM JUTRI! Čaka me zabaven dan, poln dobre družbe, novih kozmetičnih odkritij - tako da se prav veselim. Več o tem - na instagramu in facebooku! 

Še desno roko si nalakiram in potem hitro v posteljo še nekaj dobrega prebrati in nabrati energijo za jutri! :)

Mislim da bo tale nora barva super za k maxi obleki, ki jo bom nosila jutri!

Se beremo,

nočka & poljubčke


ponedeljek, junij 29, 2015

Alpstories review / mnenje

Nekaj novega na slovenskem trgu! Nekatere blogerke so o tem že pisale in zato vam bom prilepila nekaj linkov, ki so se mi dopadli. Sama kot ponavadi zamujam z objavo, oz. sem želela stvari res dobro preizkusiti preden jih ocenim.

O šamponu

Šampon ima zelo naraven vonj, kar me ne moti. Zadnje čase uporabljam bolj Lush, Yves Rocher šampone ki imajo vsi podoben "naraven" vonj, tako da sem ga navajena.

Moje lase je lepo razmastil, očistil, dodal volumen nisem pa zasedila raznih posebnosti.

Je pa ogromen plus za telo in lase, ker ne vsebuje : parabenov, mineralnih olj, alhokola, silikonov...

Tako, da tistim - ki iščete bolj naravne vonje šamponov za lase, brez raznih dodatkov - nujno priporočam da ga preizkusite!

Cvetna vodica - vrtnica

Vonj je zelo značilen in zelo močen. Skoraj se ne moram odločiti ali mi je premočen ali mi je všeč. Definitivno pa je vonj močan in vam mora biti vrtnica zelo všeč!

Uporaba : uporabljam jo kot tonik, za vlaženje kože po čiščenju, včasih pa tudi po telesu. Je pa res, da se mi na trenutno res zazdi, da je vonj za uporabo po obrazu - premočen.

Ko sem se s sodelavko, farmacevtko pogovarjala o oljih - mi je bolj strokovno razložila, da se ji zdi jojobino olje najboljše sestave in z največ "dobrimi" snovmi za našo kožo.

Tako ga zdaj uporabljam zvečer ponavadi, če ne uporabim Melvitinega zlatega olja. Če ju primerjam, mi mogoče Melvitino lepše diši, vendar ima Alp Stories odlično ceno za to količino, tako da predlagam da si pogledate njihovo spletno stran z olji

V celoti mi je znamka zelo zanimiva in mika me še kakšna krema in olje. Kaj od te znamke ste že preizkusile? Kakšno je vaše mnenje? :)


petek, junij 26, 2015

Magical village / Princess dress

So, here is my newest outfit. I decided to make this editorial in a beautiful village in Croatia, Grožnjan.

A lot of people don't know it, but it's so close to Umag and other little towns, it would be a shame not to visit it! :)

I love those old villages, we can found very similar in Provanse & Toscany! I visited both and I really think we can find similar here in Slovenia or Croatia.

About this dress, you can buy it on this website http://www.romwe.com I am so glad that they gave a chance to collaborate with them, I love this dress - I wore it 3 times and I have it less then a month!

It makes me feel special, romantic and different then the rest of the dresses.

How do you like it? :)


četrtek, junij 25, 2015

Essence mini top coat glitter haul

I really like Essence top coats. I tried so many of them and I am really happy that they are available for such an amazing price 1,49 euros.

This time I picked jewels - which is a classic for me, I probably changed 3 bottles of it. 

Bling bling - is really glittery! I would add it to some darker nail polish. I think it would look amazing on black colour!

Camouflage - I don't know where I will add this one, but I relly like it haha. Next to which colour would you combine it?

Nude dots - I tried this on white, but it's too light. I think it can look good on every dark colour.

Do you own any of there?


ponedeljek, junij 22, 2015

Favourite trousers and jeans top

It's monday again! I will start my day with my new outfit post, where I'm wearing my favourite trousers (like you didn't notice that till now haha) and jeans top - that I totally forgot I have. 

I think it's nice, comfy combination for hot days!

I will go cycling with dad probably, to another city or running - gotta get back in shape! Since I finished my Zumba classes I've been working all the time and not working out... So, back to sport today!

Kisses from my office room where I'm still in my PJ's writing this post! 


sobota, junij 20, 2015

Shiseido powder protective compact foundation SPF 30 review

Shiseido je ena izmed firm s katero se zadnje čase bolje spoznavam. Od mojega prevelikega navdušenja nad njihovim čistilnim gelom o katerem ste lahko brale tukaj (klik) do njihovega korektorja o katerem moram še spisati objavo.

Tokrat pa sem testirala puder. Puder v kamnu z zaščito proti soncem - SPF 30. 

Kako pomemben je zaščitni faktor v pudru? 

Ko sem se pogovarjala z kozmetičarkami, sodelavko farmacevtko.... So vse punce STROGO zagovarjale SPF faktor v dnevnih kremah (sploh poleti) in v pudrih. Da nas to ščiti pred soncem ste vedele vse. Vendar, da nas SPF faktorji ščitijo tudi pred nastajanjem gub - je vedelo bolj malo punc. Zato še enkrat "roko na srce" oz. SPF pudre na obraz!

Shiseido puder

Puderček je lahek, malo temnejši kot ga nosim vsak dan, super "zamatira" obraz & ga skoraj ne čutim ko ga nanesem, kar mi je zelo pomembno za poletje. 

Tudi na internetu sem prebrala samo pozitivne ocene, Shiseidu vse bolj zaupam - prej sem ga malo podcenjevala, vendar ima resnično odlične izdelke.

Imate tudi ve kakšne izkušnje z Shiseido pudri? Mene zelo zanimajo tudi njihovi tekoči pudri, bi bila vesela kakšne informacije.

Kako priročna je embalaža lahko vidite na fotografijah, če vas kaj dodatno zanima vprašajte.

četrtek, junij 18, 2015

Maxi dress / Solution for hot days

This is my number one solution for hot days! I am always chosing my favourite maxi dress when I's hot outside, because it's so soft and easy going that I almost can't feel it on me.

I added my aztec scarf because the dress is a little "see though" style hahah, so I am hiding my booty with scarf hah!

I really like it, simple and gypsy kinda outfit.

What do you think?

P.s. Wearing my hairband like I did 3 years ago everyday haha!

I am so busy lately, trying to spend a little time with my man before he leaves for Japan, to represent a Slovenian film there & trying to spend as much time as possible with my little bunny, also working all days... thanks god for the weekend, we will cuddle all Sunday! <3 

Follow me on instagram for more details! 

Kisses, Katja

torek, junij 16, 2015

BOURJOIS - new nail polish

Po zelo brani objavi o Bourjois novih šminkah, ki so me navdušile je tu objava še o lakih za nohte. 

Verjetno ste na stojalih v drogerijah že opazila nove lakce zanimivih oblik. Meni osebno se njihova zunanjost zdi zelo zanimiva, saj jih lahko skupaj sestavljaš v različne oblike in kroge.


Barv je ogromno! Jaz sem za testiranje dobila oranžno in temno rdečo, oranžen lakec sem že podarila naprej, temno rdeč pa mi bo krasil nohte pozimi.

Zelo pa se mi dopadejo tudi modri odtenki, nad katerimi so navdušene tudi druge slovenske blogerke.


Lak mi je na nohtih (z podlakom) zdržal približno 3-4 dni brez večjega krušenja. Zadovoljivo. Prekrivnost je srednja, vendar so mi lakci zelo všeč. Zdi se mi, da so zelo primerni za poletje in sploh oblika je zelo domiselna! :)

Jih imate? Kakšni se vam zdijo?

ponedeljek, junij 15, 2015

Quick hello!

I know the web cam photos are far away from being perfect and so - but I really like them. 

Because they "add" some personality on the blog and make it more interesting. I really like bloggers which are staying "still the same" on the inside even if they have more readers and more money than ever. One of those things is the "simple web cam post".

I was not posting these days (well, 4 days to be exact!) because something really sad happened. My little bunny passed away after 8,5 years and I am really sad and lost without her to be honest. I can not believe that I have so much love and feelings for - a bunny! 

She was my 5th bunny and the oldest also. She was so special. So different than all the rest. Irreplaceable. 

But unfortunately, life goes on... And I can't stop crying if I think about it. So I'm gonna think positive & I really need a new little bunny to give him all the love I have for those little animals. 

I can't stand being in a home without animal so I think I will fill my sad heart with new bunny love.

But none will be the same as you Maggie, love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! 


petek, junij 12, 2015

Ivy revel dress / number 2

This dress is all about my LOVE for IVYREVEL. Like I said before I really love their unique pieces and message! 

After I got totally obsessed with this violet dress (click!), I had to have it in another colour too! 

I'm off to work (11 hours yay!) and then SEASIDE ESCAPE! <3

Wish you all an amazing weekend!



četrtek, junij 11, 2015

10 tips for happiness

1. Be who you are. Believe in yourself.

The most cliche advice I can give you. But it is absolutely the most important. If you are surrounded by people - that don't accept you for who you are OR (worse) you feel like you are not "good enough" to hang with them and you pretend to be something you are not. RUN. Or show them - your true self! BELIEVE in yourself. YOU can do anything you want. I always manage to do stuff then I had 100% believe in myself, it is hard sometimes, but believe me - it works.

Who will believe in you - if not you?

2. Plan new projects.

A lot of people seem to be unhappy with their life, because they fall into "routine". Plan new things, try to be spontaneous! Try eating new dishes, listening to new music and... Of course try experiment with your makeup and clothes. (I'm more for the last ones, haha!)

3. Take a "time off".

As a blogger, I must be "active" all the time, planing new projects, writing new post and daily update on my instagram and Facebook (this is a must if you are a blogger) and sometimes I just MUST take time off internet and just enjoy a moment without "taking photos for instagram what I'm doing" and just be in the moment. Also, during exam season I always go the the woods for a walk or run - sometimes you must stop and take a break.

4. Dare to dream.

In those times, people don't wanna dream. Why? It's simple. Because it seems like dreams will never come true. Mostly because of money and stuff. BUT. Dreams do come true. Believe me, I am currently living my "blogger's dream" of course I wanna make it even bigger but to see the success of a blog, which I started only for fun... Ahhh... It really seems like a dream. 

5. Read happiness books

I am a big fan of those "feel good" books and they really helped me a lot! Wrote about it here (click!).

6. Love your body

The most difficult one. Like I said many times - it's not about size, kilograms - it's all about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT. And remember - YOU ARE UNIQUE. There is NO one like you in the entire world. Pretty amazing, right?

7. Wear your favourite dress

Yes, this is important. I am a living proof that I feel instant happiness when I'm wearing my favourite dress. It makes me feel confident, good about myself and I feel like I can do anything and noone can stop me! So, don't save your special dresses for special evenings, wear it for yourself!

8. Buy yourself a gift

It's okay if you spend few bucks a month for you own pleasure! Especially I like to "reward" myself for hard work - it's so easier to work and be active if you know that reward is coming! :D

9. Be grateful

Gratitude is the most important thing! That you are aware what you have and that you are thankful for good things in life. I'm grateful everyday for my lovely family, love, friends, blog and so on! 

10. Never failure, always a lesson

Lately I'm learning so many things about me, what I really want in my life and mostly WHAT is important in life. And I came to conclusion - never take your "failure" as failure, but as a lesson - try to make the best from the worst. I know it's hard sometimes but truly everything happens for a reason!

Off to work & can't wait to go on the seaside for a weekend off with my favourite people! <3

Do you like that post / want more of them?

Katja, kisses!

sreda, junij 10, 2015

Vichy : Idealia skin sleep cream review

Vichy je pred nekaj meseci ustvaril novo kremico, ki naj bi ženskam pomagala po neprespani noči in "skrila" naše napake, zaradi katerih nismo tako samozavestne zjutaj.

O kremi

Vichy odkriva novo kombinacijo aktivnih sestavin, ki ciljano delujejojo na  cikluse regeneracije kože ponoči: VITAMIN B3 + OBNAVLJAJOČA OLJA (podpirajo zaščitno funkcijo), LHA (pospešuje eksfoliacijo), GLICIRIZINSKA KISLINA+HIALURON.

Krema je primerna za vse tipe kož, tudi občutljivo! Ne vsebuje parabenov in je obogatena z termalno vodo Vichy.

Moje mnenje po uporabi 2 mesecev

Po Vichyevem dogodku sem bila polna pričakovanj. Punce so kremo zelo pohvalile, sestavine, učinek in da se učinek opazi že zelo zgodaj pri uporabi.

Kremo sem začela uporabljati po serumu in včasih tudi samo, včasih pa sem dodala še nekaj olja.

In moram priznati, da mi zelo odgovarja. Tekstura je gelasta in lahka - se hitro vpije (mami se je zdelo, da se vpije prehitro, zato jo priporočam le tam do 40 leta) - zdi se mi tudi zelo osvežujoča in lepo diši!

Razlike pred in po uporabi

Resnično se mi zdi da mi zmanjša zabuhlost! Zjutraj (sploh če spim bolj malo) sem ponavadi okoli oči "zabuhla", limfa zastaja zato izgledam kot polna luna, haha. Ampak pri uporabi kreme, se mi je zdelo da to počasi izginja, kar je velik plus!

Mogoče je res tudi to, da je koža lepšega tena in predvsem bolj enakomernega.

Kremica mi je zelo všeč in do sedaj sem o njej prebrala same pozitivne ocene.

Kaj pa ve, te jo že preizkusile?


ponedeljek, junij 08, 2015

Seaside sport

Here it is! The other side of me and probably the side of me you know the least. 

I LOVE sport. I seriously can't go a day without doing at least squats or something! My main sport is - Zumba, I have around 3 groups, 2 standard and 1 school group so I workout with them around 3-4 a week, if I help other groups also up to 5 times a week.

I also love running - one of my favourite things to do if I have too much energy or stress. It helps me a lot!

Goodbye dancing

But, dance was always part of my life. When I was 8, I had to make one of the hardest decisions in my life. Since I had my violin lesson about 4 times a week, there was no time for dancing - and I decided that violin will be my number one. So I said : NO, to dancing step and jazz ballet. 

But, I also danced belly dance for a while and then... ZUMBA. It has everything I love. Latin music, sexy steps, sporty steps... I can do what I want there, since I'm a teacher I have my options completely open! <3

So, here is my SPORT history haha!

Hope you like the photos from Portoroz, I am wearing my new New Yorker sports collections, thanks mum! <3


Don't forget to smile!

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