Vow to Fashion

ponedeljek, september 29, 2014

You can't get out of your skin

Well this few days were great to be honest. Me and my love celebrated our 3rd anniversary. It was dreamy. He surprised me with a trip (and sleepover) in a dreamy paradise village in Goriška Brda - which is Slovenian Provanse or Toscana. I really wanted to go there, because I love wines and good Slovenian prosciutto!

I was totally impressed! Goriška brda are amazing, truly! Views, people, not to mention food and wine! It was better than Toscana or Provanse. And I visited both.

I felt like we were traveling for a week - not two days, I experienced so many things... I can share my iPhone diary if you want right here on blog? :)

So about the outfit (I really am too chatty!) - I got this amazing dangles cardigan which I totally love. I decided for a black and white combination, added my famous turban and Front row shop purse!

I really like this outfit, I think I couldn't be more "viva la vida" here :D



nedelja, september 28, 2014

New things on Licila.si

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to post this - well knows online makeup shop in Slovenia got amazing new products few weeks ago and they are  really something special.

You can see wonderful highlighter and heart - shaped lipstick right here. I think the highlighter is really amazing, lipstick is not so pigmented, but the shape is pretty cute, right? :)


sobota, september 27, 2014

New from Afrodita cosmetics

Kozmetika afrodita je ena izmed mojih najljubših znamk kar se tiče pilingov, tuš gelov in krem.

Tokrat pa so na voljo spet novi izdelki, katere sem skrbno preizkušala za vas.

Hyaluronska kombinacija

Tale kolekcija mi je bila najbolj všeč! Prvi tuš gel pri katerem se mi zdi da kožo res navlaži, ponavadi to zaznam samo pri pilingih, losjonih - vendar tukaj za vlaženje kože poskrbi že tuš gel. Tudi losjon za telo se zelo hitro vpije in še dodatno poskrbi, da je naša koža prožna in navlažena, definitivno izdelki vredni preizkusa! Tudi vonj je zelo svež, nič sladek - tako, da je primeren tudi za tiste, ki ne marate sladkih vonjev.

Kokos kombinacija

Predlagala bi jo sicer bolj za poletne dni, vendar pa se vseeno ne branim vonja kokosa tudi v mrzlih dneh! Bolj kot navlaži, naredi ta kombinacija kožo mehko! In seveda dišečo! Tuš gel je tu kremni, losjon za telo pa ima popolnoma enak vonj, tako da se lahko kombinirata. 

Afrodita me je spet navdušila, vendar če bi morala izbrati en izdelek, ki me je najbolj - bi bil to tuš gel z hyaluronom. 

Kaj pa ve, ste že opazile te izdelke na policah drogerij? :)

Lep dan,


sreda, september 24, 2014

Green baby

Day D today! I'm starting my Zumba classes and I really can't wait to show my girls what I prepared for today! <3

But first I wanted to tell you about my love for this sweater - first, I hated this colour. But this sweater is so comfy and it has those little "diamonds" on - I really could not leave it in Germany.

I was wearing this outfit on my first day in Portorož (film festival) I was dressed for rain and wind and then - there was only sunshine. Those weather people are sometimes wrong and that's why I'm wearing this summer/fall outfit on the seaside.




ponedeljek, september 22, 2014

Catrice matt powder

Prejšnji teden sem bila v Portorožu na filmskem festivalu (že zamujam z outfiti) in ker sem tako hitro pakirala makeup, sem pozabila puder doma. Zato sem se odločila, da tam kupim Catrice all matt puder, o katerem se že veliko brala - in še cena je nizka!

Light beige odtenek je kot nalašč za mojo kožo, puder mi je v celoti všeč - vendar ne tako kot Bourjois 1,2,3 Perfect. Se mi zdi, da je tisti malo bolj prekriven, vendar pa si vseeno zasluži dobro oceno - ker je za bolj nizkocenoven puder super.

Kot pa ste verjetno videli na instagramu, sem našla Labello butter - coconut! Zelo lepo diši po kokosu in ker sem ga prvič videla v Portoroškem dm-ju, sem ga preprosto morala vzeti.

Lep dan,


nedelja, september 21, 2014

Evening in Ljubljana

When you don't have time to instagram and blog - you see that you are really having an amazing & busy time!

This few days were crazy, I was out every night & my friends from Germany came and of course - I had to show them our wonderful city Ljubljana. I really enjoy doing that - this could be my job, haha.

So, back to outfit - really casual summer outfit, comfy but still chic.

I adore this top - so simple, but still statement.

Wish you an amazing evening! :)


petek, september 19, 2014


Apidonum je nova kozmetična hiša na tržišču s katero sem se prvič srečala. Res sem bila brez vseh pričakovanj.

Kaj je tako posebnega pri Apidonumu?

Izdelujejo kozmetiko, kreme predvsem - iz čebeljega voska, propolisa, medu, matičnega mlečka in drugih naravnih sestavin. Že samo ime v latinščini pomeni "čebelje darilo". Kreme so popolnoma naravne in temu primeren je tudi vonj, ki je presenetljivo zelo dober, vsaj meni - ki obožujem med!

Ocena kreme in balzama za ustnice

Krema me je popolnoma prevzela! Diši po medu, z nekakšenim mint dodatkom, kožo zelo lepo navlaži (res za celo noč) in zjutraj je koža zelo napeta in prožna. Mislim, da me še nobena krema, razen Sorayina (ki je sicer bolj blaga) ni tako navdušila. Odličen izdelek, za stare in mlade. Predvsem pa se mi zdi da deluje kot naraven botox!

Balzam ima podoben vonj, malo bolj po mintu in je zelo blag - mislim, da je bolj primeren za poškodovane ustnice, moje sicer ni popolnoma dovolj navlažil - vendar vseeno je izdelek super, če nimate rade preveč "mastnih" balzamov in nočete da se poznajo na ustnicah.

V celoti pa - definitivno izdelki, katere hočem še sprobati - ker vidim da so zelo kvalitetni. Sploh krema je res božanska. Cena kremice pa je okoli 25 eur. Glede na učinek pa se mi zdi, da res ni visoka.

Lep večer še naprej!

sreda, september 17, 2014

Firmoo glasses

So, this is one of the coolest collaborations ever! Since I discovered in March that my eyes are not quite perfect and I got my first glasses then - I was so happy when Firmoo online optical store  asked me for collaborating.

They send me those glasses so quickly and I just can't take them off since then!

They are american online store, which offers great glasses for very affordable price! You can check it out. I send them my numbers and measures - and here they are my new glasses!

Everything works, they are really good quality glasses and I'm sure that I will check their website again when I will be buying my new glasses.


P.s. I'm working on my new Zumba choreographys these days, now when I had my summer Zumba pause I see how much I missed dancing! I can't wait to share this new wonderful songs with my lovely dancers - I think I picked really good ones, here are some of them! I simply love the rhythm and lyrics <3

Bailando - Enrique Iglesias y Gente de ZonaNo tengo dinero - MaffioMenea la Pera - merengue... My dancers, stay tuned for more in one week on our class! <3

ponedeljek, september 15, 2014


So, this look is kinda special. Because I would be wearing this look 2 years ago - for a casual outfit. But my style has changed a little, I started to realise that some things are not for every day. Even if I still don't wanna have any limits with my experiments.

So, I created this look, for night out or a special date. I love this skirt - it's one of my special ones, my "mother in law" bought it for me as a gift when we were in Germany. 

And this blazer... I still love the gold-white-black combination. I think this will never change. My love for gold and glittery things is simply endless. This is me and I can't change that.

Wish you all an amazing evening!


nedelja, september 14, 2014

Beautifying lip smoother

Talking about Catrice lip smoother again? Yes!

Why is everybody so excited when it comes to this lip balm?

To be honest - I saw it in DM in Stuttgart for the first time, but I was not impressed. But then girls were writing more and more about it and I had to try it. Since the price is not so high - I decided to buy one!

I really like it, the package is so practical and the colours are really "natural", this lip smoother is perfect if you want to wear a darker makeup or natural makeup!

It smell so good and it's really smooth!

I believe girls are not talking those things only because they wanna impress you - it's true - this is a really nice product!

P.s. I have the darker shade. (in Slovenia there are only two)


petek, september 12, 2014

Gypsy king

Ahhh... I think that the beauty of fashion blog is - that you post the things that you are really wearing. Not just get dressed up for shooting. 

So, another casual day another casual look. I called it "gyspy" look. The inspiration are Gypsy kings. I looooove gyspy-spanish-flamenco music! 

I have two ways of dressing. Totally casual baggy arabic-gyspy style or over-elegant heels and skirts. 

So, in this outfit I could dance belly dance. Did I mentioned I also dance belly dance? :)

P.s. I sooo excited about spending weekend in Portorož (seaside in Slovenia) - I'm attending another Film festival with my love, this will be my third time there - I really like it, late nights with wine - good movies and good seaside food!


četrtek, september 11, 2014


Odločila sem se za zelo praktično objavo in sicer primerjavo 3 micelarnih raztopin, različnih firm - tako da upam da bom s tem kateri pomagala pri izbiri.

Do pred kratkim - micelarnih raztopin nisem poznala/jih uporabljala,  potem pa sem dobila Afroditino (ki je že prazna), nato od Green Lina in na koncu se L'orealovo.

Afrodita - Najprej mi ni bila všeč, oči so me zelo pekle in nekako je dražila mojo kožo. Vendar sem videla da sem jo uporabljala v prevelikih količinah, vatke sem preveč prepojila z njo in zato mi je tekočina prišla tudi v oči. Potem pa sem ugotovila, da je potrebno res malo količine in že je makeup lepo odstranjen, koža navlažena - vendar sem vseeno po uporabi uporabljala tudi tonik. Nujno sem jo vedno morala izprati z obraza, drugače me je koža zelo pekla... Vendar v osnovi, izdelek je učinkovit, ličila zelo lepo odstrani in kožo lepo očisti.

Ocena : 8/10

L'oreal - Imam občutek da se hitreje porablja kot Afroditina. Drugače pa se bolj peni, vendar sem z njo zadovoljna. Podoben učinek kot Afroditina, mogoče samo za malenkost bolj zdraži oči. Vendar sta si drugače res podobni.

Ocena : 7/10

Green Line - Najbolj dišeča od vseh 3! Super izdelek, hitro odstrani ličila in se ne porablja hitro. Imela sem občutek da mogoče res najmanj zdraži oči od vseh treh raztopin. Nekako mi je najbolj všeč.

Ocena : 9/10

Pa vaše izkušnje? Jaz si sedaj samo s tem odstranjujem ličila, po uporabi pa seveda sledi še piling/čistilni gel/tonik/maska kakor nanese :)


ponedeljek, september 08, 2014

Grey dress

I bought this dress a few months ago, I really love it - it's so simple and casual but at the same time it's something different and special.

Perfect for summer!

But I really think ponytail or hair bun is a must here, because the hair can do the "damage" to the dress, haha - it has gorgeous details and it would be a shame to hide it!

Have an amazing day everyone! :)

P.s. Would you be interested reading post about workout, keeping motivation and so? :)



Another online shop I'm going to present you is

So, what's so special about this store? Sure, they have some things like any other store, clothing and stuff - but they have really amazing halloween costumes! You can find so many costumes, anything you like! So, if you're already thinking about Halloween 2014, here you can find perfect funny hallowen costume for women and girls!

I pick this one for my favourite - it's not too sexy and everything (I really don't like all girls being bunnys and cops haha) so this one is my top one - arabic queen! :)

Here links to one of the best costumes (my pick)

I hope, I helped you a little! :)

Expect the halloween post in October!


nedelja, september 07, 2014

Buy me a cameo - Essie

Right now on my nails, I love this one <3

I didn't know about this wonderful shade, but then I was watching swatches on Instagram and I fell in love. This one is definitely "must have" Essie.

Wish u all a wonderful and relaxing day!


sobota, september 06, 2014

Dvorec trebnik

Dvorec trebnik je prva slovenska "kozmetična hiša" s povsem naravnimi izdelki. Sama sem zadnjo slišala že pred leti in tudi preizkusila njihovo dnevno kremo (že pred blogganjem) in mi je bila zelo všeč, moram pogledati če jo še prodajajo.

Tokrat pa sem testirala njihovo olje za tuširanje - z Rakitovcem.

Kaj mi je bilo všeč?

Pravijo, da naj bi pomagal zadržati vlago - torej, da naj bi koža po tuširanju še dolgo časa ostala navlažena in prožna. Kožo naj bi tudi intenzivno obnavljal in jo ščitil.

Definitivno se takoj pozna, da je izdelek narejen za vlaženje kože (kar je super, sploh za jesen/zimo) in je zelo podoben izdelku za tuširanje od L'occitana (mandelj) - ta je veliko cenejši zato vam priporočam da si ga ogledate, ker gel deluje na podoben način. Izgleda kot olje, ko pa ga nanesemo na mokro kožo pa se spremeni v nekakšno kremo, ki kožo navlaži. Zanimiv efekt, ki deluje.

& po tuširanju se še 1 uro res intenzivno čuti vonj!

Kaj me je motilo?

Pravzaprav nič, če sem iskrena. Izdelek se mi zdi zelo kvaliteten, polej tega ni testiran na živalih in je narejen iz naravnih snovi. Tako da je to še velik dodaten plus!

Izdelke lahko kupite na spletni trgovini, v večjih Mercator centrih in v njihovi trgovini v centru Ljubljane.

petek, september 05, 2014

Can't get more casual

Geeeek! When I decide to take outfit photos when I'm dressed "too casual" and when I'm just taking lunch break from studying. 

Here is my very simple look! My favourite Zara jeans, I didn't wear them so much (why?!) and casual sweater from H&M and of course my Zara shoes.

Really simple, "not so Viva la vida" but still - sometimes I'm dressed casual too! :)

I'm so happy that I will attend Portorož (Slovenian seaside) film festival for the third time now - as you know my boyfriend is future film director and I'm more than excited to spend another weekend at the coast with him & good seaside food & movies.

But still I have to wait one more week!

Till then... Hard work and getting new ideas for my fall outfits!

Wish you all wonderful weekend!


sreda, september 03, 2014

Beauty haul from Germany/Holland

Nail polishes

L'oreal (8 eur (Ger) 13 eur (Slo)) and Rival de Loop (2 eur)

Inglot lipstick (13 eur) & Mac matte lipstick (20 eur)

Benefit mascara - They're real (25 eur)

Ahhh. Finally I'm posting my new wonderful things! I was buying things you can't get in Slovenia... Well, mostly!

I love shopping, when I travel - especially in Germany because things are quite cheeper in DM. And of course, you have Douglas there and some other stores we don't have - so it was quite a heaven for me.

I won't present you all the products, because it could take me a whole month. But if you want to get to know better any product, let me know :) <3

Have a nice day everyone,


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