Vow to Fashion

petek, julij 11, 2014

Simple with leopard

So, this is how my "easy going" outfit looks like. Maxi skirt for hot summer days, little leopard blouse to make it more casual and simple sandals - because I was all around the city that day :)

Simple, easy going and comfortable :)

I'm so excited about today's event in Ikona - I'm finally going to meet gorgeous Slovenian beauty bloggers! :) And also more about Kardashian cosmetics!

How I wore this maxi dress before :

Outfit number 1 (2 months ago)

Outfit number 2 (1 year ago)

Wish you all a positive day! 


4 komentarji:

Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,


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