Vow to Fashion

nedelja, april 22, 2012

Red = Passion

Mostly I see women who have "natural,nude"  look lipsticks. Somehow women forgot that the first lipsticks were red and they were red because red symbolize passion and sexuality. It all began in Mesopotamia, (sorry about history, but I'm big fan of it!) women invented first lipsticks! And they use natural materials, flowers, jewels... And that tells us, that women wanted to be more attractive to their men. And today, is the same. I think red lipstick is something that is timeless and women should wear it more! 

Here's my red chanel :) But still label doesn't matter as long as you have your own style! 


6 komentarjev:

  1. I love this colour!

    New post: http://mrsronaldo.blogspot.it/2012/04/miss-italia-and-miss-fashionista-of.html

  2. lepe su ti usne i bas ti stoji crveni karmin :)

  3. Thanks for your nice comment! waao this lip color is beautiful!


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