Vow to Fashion

četrtek, julij 28, 2016

6 thoughts from my random vida

1. Cosmopolitan, still can not believe I in the magazine. Again. This is crazy. I know I wrote this too many times, but this truly is amazing, haha I went looking at my old posts and laugh, how anything can happen to ordinary girl with big dreams. So cool, world is amazing.

2. Wearing Milani Mattely in love all the time lately. And I do mean all the time. I seriously need to get more shades of this beauty. I'm checking out the dark brown shade (materialistic) and the brightest! <3

3. I am totally in love with the documentary "Searching for Sugarman". 

You gotta see it. Such an amazing story about the musician in early 70s, which "failed" his music career in USA, but somehow his record came to South African Republic and became the most popular singer/author in the country. He didn't know that. After 40 years, he is living the life he should in 70s. 

Such an amazing story, but I don't wanna spoil it too much for you! I am so surprised that this is a real story, truly worth watching! <3

Dreams do come true. 

4. I will miss Sarajevo this summer.

Sarajevo is one of my favourite cities in the world, I really wanted to go on Film Festival this year, but I will be on my trip at that time, so that makes me a little sad, because Sarajevo is magical during Film Festival, and I do love bosnian food and how cheep everything is there, you can eat all day for 10 euros. And you eat the best food in the world. I hope I will visit Sarajevo soon again and get my dose of Bosnian energy and food for couple of months <3

If you have nothing to do in August, I highly recommend Sarajevo as a trip or few days at Film festival, you can eat & sleep & visit museum and stuff for only 100 euro for all the weekend, Bosnian prices are so good!

5. Ice-tea at open kitchen in Ljubljana is too expensive, but worth trying. 

I hate overrated things. I truly do. I work hard for every euro, so I don't wanna pay too much for things that are not worth it. And almost 4 euros for goddamn ice-tea is just too much. But it is good, refreshing, different. So, let it be. Hahah, what a serious thoughts I have! :D

6. Clinton or Trump?

You can not ignore the debate about next American (USA), it is not really American (because there is also America Latina, people don't forget about it) president.

It is so funny that his wife, Melania Trump is coming from our cute little country Slovenia. No offence, my english is far away from being perfect, but HOWWW can you not speak english with a little bit of american accent? I don't know in which language she is speaking to Donald everyday but her english is horrible. 

I do not support Trump at all, because he obviously is against people from other countries specially muslims and hispanic people - but let's remind ourselves he is GERMAN (trumpf - his greatgrandfather came from Germany) and his wife is SLOVENIAN. So, you are not indian native american either Trumpy.

Chill and let the people live their life. But if you will be president, please take care of black people - they are being killed all the time, FOR NO REASON.

OHHH, sorry I get so angry and nervous when I talk about politics. But those things must be said. 

Hillary, I wish you all good. I am not completely your supporter but okay. Woman - president of USA? Okay, I support that. But to be honest, so many millions in USA... and there will be husband and wife presidents? You really don't have any other choice?

What do you guys think? I am interested in politics always, haha I eat news of bbc and stuff for breakfast. I think it is important to know all those things. 

I hope that you like those random posts too! I have so many things on my mind and too much ideas, so I will start to post random thought of my vida too!

Stay tuned, soon I will reveal where I'm going on Monday! <3


6 komentarjev:

  1. Glede politike se strinjava ;) sem se pa nasmejala pri Melanijini angleščini ja. Če bi jaz toliko časa živela v tujini, pa ni vrag da se ne naučiš boljše angleščine. Vprašanje če se sploh kaj pogovarjata :P
    Drugače pa čestitke za članek v Cosmu! Si resnično zaslužiš :)

    1. Ja ma, smešno anyway :)

      Pa no bad feelings, sej ji je ratalo hehe :)

      Hvala bejb! <3

  2. Meni je še vedno žal za Bernieja. O Trumpu sploh nočem izgubljati besed. Še dobro, da po vsej verjetnosti ne bo predsednik. Hillary pa tudi ni dobra alternativa, če mene vprašaš.

    Sem tudi jaz pila to "limonado"/ledeni čaj in sorry res ni bla vredna 3,5€ al kolk je stala. :D Mislim halo, namešam si doma to čudo za 0,50€ (fensi kozarček zdej itak imam), za ostali denar pa si privoščim burek. Ahahah :D

    1. Enako! <3

      Hahaha, upam ja ... ma z nobenim nisem zadovoljna. Dobro da ni moja država :D

      Hahahah, ja draga je ko pes!

      Se strinjam :D hahahah you're my type of girl ! <3333

  3. Vsak ma svoje mnenje, ampak mnenja nekagerih dokazujejo edino to, da nimajo pojma o cem govorijo. Ce te res zanima politika, si poglej dokumentarec abby martin: what hillary clinton reall represents na youtubu. Potem pa mi odgovori na vprasanje, koliko ljudi je pobil trump (kar ga obsojas v objavi) in koliko jih je killary :-)

    1. Tako je.

      Bom, z veseljem - hvala za idejo.

      Kot sem napisala, mi noben izmed kandidatov ni pretirano všeč - mi je pa absurdno da kandidira Trump in tudi Hillary kot sem napisala, imajo dovolj izbire da najdejo povsem novo predsedniško družino z drugačnimi pogledi in brez "preteklosti" :)


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They really mean a lot to me,


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