Vow to Fashion

petek, februar 19, 2016

Ivy revel dress : Valencia

I am so excited to show you one of my favourite dresses lately! It is IVY REVEL - VALENCIA <3 

I love their dresses, the material at the design, patters, colours, I really LOVE them. They are completely my style and I can't wait to buy another one, hah!

I am SO happy right now. I am DOOONE with exams for now, I passed all the exams, I am so so so happy! Being a law student & full time blogger & Zumba instructor and basic student with 2 jobs is not so easy, I am not complaining, I am SO grateful I can do so many great things at the same time - but it is hard to study all the time and be all those things...

But I did it! I believe that we can do so much - if we only believe (corny I know) in ourselves. I will write a post about it soon!

I am soon happy, I was nervous for 3 months and studying and really putting my all energy into this and now it is finally over, I will have a little more time for my beloved blog. But not for a long time, law students - we don't have pauses! 

Love you all & THANKYOU everyone that believed in me, I had a really hard time last year at that time (not gonna tell you nothing more, my close-ones know how terrible I felt) - but in 1 year I became so much more, and now that I am superwoman doing all those things at the same time I am much more organised and everything is just where it needs to be.

NEVER loose hope and NEVER stop dreaming. 

I have the best readers, family, friends and love in the world! I am so grateful and happy for everything in my life!

Some things are not like we hope, they are even better! <3

P.s. Tonight, PARTY NIGHT!!! I can't wait to put on my favourite dress and makeup and dance all night to the Balkan rhythms with my bestie Nik! :)


Wearing :

Coat : New Yorker
Hat : Ebay
Shoes : Deichmann
Dress : Ivy Revel
Lipstick : Mac - All fired up (my fav!)

12 komentarjev:

  1. Nice dress :)


  2. so pretty ;))

    i invite to me too


  3. kok ti paše tale oblekica, čist maš hudo postavco v njej:)

  4. Všeč zelo! <3 Tak lep vzorec ima in čist paše na tvojo postavo :)

    Čestitke za opravljene izpite :) Res super, da uspevaš usklajevat in faks in zumbo in blog.

    1. Hvala <3

      Ja... in še 2 službi haha <3

      Vse se da, če se hoče. Vidim to sedaj :)

  5. Čudovita si Katja, tvoji outfit posti so vedno zelo zanimivi in pravi navdih! Moram povdarit, da ti super pašejo tile škornji! xx

    1. Hvala ti <3

      Se trudim, hehe.

      Hvala! Jih ogromno nosim zadnje dni! :)

  6. super outfit! sploh plašč in pa oblekca ki ti neverjetno paše.
    drugač pa kapo dol da si tak multipraktik. faks (ki ni mala malca) pa tko pogosto in kvalitetno bloganje pa 2 službi PLUS zumba. ti si taka superwoman :')
    pa seveda čestitam za opravljene izpite! :)

  7. Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations on passing your exams! Keep up the great work! Love this retro bohemian look! :)

  8. Nimam besed, super izgledaš ! :)


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They really mean a lot to me,


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