The longer I've been blogging the more I've learned along the way and I thought it would be great to share that with you. See this as a tips & tricks post on blogging or just a look behind the scenes of my blog!
I think it is important to know your audience, because that can help you decide what kind of articles to write and what tone of voice to use.
Thanks to some great analytic tools I've found out that my readers are mostly female and anywhere in between the age of 18 to 35.
I guess my outfit posts can be inspiring for anyone in that category, but I also make sure that I write about hair and beauty tips that fit in this age category too. I can't write about "anti-age" skincare yet, but I can write how skin changes between your 18 - 20*something. So, I hope I helped at least few girls with my "from oily to dry" skin experience.
Who runs this blog?
I personally like to know the blogger behind the blog, so the more personal a blog is the more I will probably like it. Some (big) bloggers have an entire team that helps them write articles, take care of social media, email, photography and other editing tasks etc. I am glad to be in this myself, as I like having control on everything that my blog involves. So who runs this blog? ME! And only me!
Probably 90% of all photos are taken by me, the rest are outfit photos taken by my man. I love having Viva la vida blog as my own project to work on and I don't see myself giving up on that freedom of doing whatever I want with it.
Blogging rhythm
I don't have an agenda in my blog header saying 'new make up post every Monday' or something. If I have the time I will write one article for each day, as I sometimes try to write ahead. As long as I don't force myself to write articles when I am actually not in the mood or lacking inspiration.. Those posts suck if I can admit that myself, haha. I only write or take photos when I feel inspired.
What is the purpose of my blog?
If you're blogging for your own fun, that's the purpose of your blog!
I really love doing this myself, but ever since I've been able to build an audience and gain followers every day, I want to make the most out of it. I want to express my creativity on my blog, but also inspire others while I'm at it. I like to share my take on fashion and beauty, but also be the first to let my readers know about the newest trends, brands and products. I just like to share what I know, and since I learn new stuff every day I can keep doing that for as long as I want...And for as long as you guys are interested in reading what I have to say, haha! :P
How do I draw (more) attention to my blog?
I already have an audience. To be interesting for companies to work with, the bigger the audience the better. So there are certain things I can do to draw even more visitors to my blog. The biggest part comes from social media: facebook, instagram,... There are also some SEO tricks to get a higher ranking in Google but what works best for me, is just writing about things I love. Some blogs are "build" on SEO tricks, but I don't want my blog to become like that - it's totally ok, if your blog is the first on google when you write a topic there os whatever, but still - I want a real thing. Not just tricks.
If you're a blogger yourself, I'd love to hear what you think and if you have your own blogging strategy?
If you're not a blogger but you do read my blog, I'd love to know your thoughts too!
Hope you like this post, little bit different, but - I like trying new things!
P.s. I normally write on my big iMac - but sometimes also on the little Mac Air from my boyfriend, so this is really creative computer! He is making his movies on it and my blog posts are sometimes written there!
Super objava, mi je všeč da pišeš po navdihu. Tudi mene ubija rutina in se ponavadi nisem držala ''rednih'' objav aka monthly favourites ali project pan :')
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, Sara <3
IzbrišiMi veliko pomeni!
Ja, vsekakor. Ko se silim nekaj spisat skupaj ponavadi nič dobrega ne izpade :D
Odlična objava Katja! Tudi jaz sem si že večkrat naredila "urnik" kaj bom kdaj objavila, vendar se mi ni obnesel, raje pišem, ko dobim kakšno idejo ali ko res neki izdelek testiram in mi je všeč. xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, se mi zdi veliko bolje.
IzbrišiSicer imam vedno nek "plan" v glavi kaj bom kdaj objavljala oz. kako si bodo sledile objave, ampak prav resno pa ne... ni zabavno potem! :D
Kaj je to neka epic omara zadaj / stena? I don't even know. Blazno lepo izgleda.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa, super objava! :)
Hahahaha! Ja, omara je. Sem si za slikanje sposodila fantovo stanovanje hihih, ja fantastično je - ker je res super skoriščen prostor. Imajo ogromne old school visoke strope in res carsko pride :)
luštna <3 zmagaš s tem kosmatim ovitkom haha ^^
OdgovoriIzbrišiČist huda! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahah, hvala :*
IzbrišiKrasna si <3. Slikice so mi res top. :D Kosmati cover me je pa nasmejal do amena hahah.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti Tamara :*
IzbrišiHahahah, da ga ne zebe, za zimo!
Super objava! Vse kar napišem je zase in če komu pride prav to, kar me zanima, sem zelo vesela. Ne lovim pa bralcev in tudi za sodelovanja s podjetji se mi ne gre tako, kot za izražanje same sebe :) Lepo si tole spisala, zelo mi je všeč tvoj Mac :) Fotke pa tako perfekcija kot vedno :) xoxo
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit me:
Se strinjam ja :)
IzbrišiKonec koncev, se pri tebi vse konča in začne in ne pri tem kaj bodo drugi mislili, ampak kaj boš TI. In kako se boš TI počutil :)
Hvala ti :) <3
Super fotke in ja telefončka res ne zebe:)
OdgovoriIzbrišihihihih <3
IzbrišiStrinjam se s tabo. To, da pišeš na silo ni dobro.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSama se poskušam držati tega, da objavim eno objavo na teden. Objave večinoma pišem vnaprej, sploh takrat ko vem, da ne bom imela v nekem obdobju veliko energije da bi se posvečala le temu. Mi je pa v ogromen užitek :)
Mislim, da moraš biti z blogom tako: 'go with the flow'. To, da nase ne polagaš previsokih pričakovanj, da si sproščen, da v tem uživaš.
Super objava! :)
Enako ja :)
IzbrišiHvala za komentar! :*
U look amazing keep on the great work