1. Building and growing a blog takes a lot of hard work.
Especially if you are doing everything alone! PR emails, editing, photos, plans, writings and so on.
2. Getting a lot of comments is amazing!
Of course I'm not gonna lie! I loooove reading comments, ideas, critics and compliments from my readers. That makes blog more alive and better.
3. We buy things we don't need only to make a great photo.
You can see this on all blogs! Hahah, nice flowers, decor things... This one is sooo real!
4. Getting freebies is actually a great thing. At the start.
I was blogging 1,5 year, when I got my first "collaboration". I was soooo excited, that someone liked the blog so much and that they wanted me to review something for them and it meant that I am actually doing something good! But now... This is really big responsibility! Getting new things to review almost everyday - you almost can't handle it. So lately I can saying "no" to a lot of companies, because I don't have a place or time for all those things.
5. Not everyone can start a blog. And stick to it!
I stole this one from English blogger (I admit!). But it is so true. If you are writing blog only because of "freebies" you should stop. Now. It takes a lot of time and work, to make it good and to get real readers and "followers". People always know when you are faking posts.6. It is amazing when people say to you "are you a blogger from...". Happened to me few times! To be "recognised". It is so funny when people tell you (and you see them for the first time) that they know so many things about you etc. Such a strange but great feeling. YAY!
7. Other blogger are my inspiration (too!)
I love reading other blogs, it is a part of my process when I need more inspiration. Even if I never ran out off ideas for new posts. I really can't believe that I have so many things to share with the world!
8. We take 100 photos and only use 4 of them.
That counts especially for fashion bloggers! How many times we hate the way we look on the photos or get so pissed about it, because photos didn't turned out like we wanted. So, it is a loooot of work behind the photos you see on the blog.
9. We are normal people. With kids, jobs, schools...
Some people think that all I do is blog. But for example ; (well few of them) just like a lot of bloggers, I am a student, I work 2-3 students jobs, I make my own money, I have worries, I have to study... and all the everyday stuff. Blogging makes me happy, I wish I would have more time for it (even if I do blog a lot!) but still... you must know that sometimes we are kinda superheroes, posting so regulary and doing all our stuff! (haha!)
10. Blogging is giving me freedom.
I feel so free that I can blog whenever I want and whatever I want. It feels so damn great and I am so happy that I discovered blogging world!
What do you think about these facts?
HAPPY 2016! <333
ooo jaaa, vse si zadela!!!! <3 carica!
Hahah, se kar najdemo :D
IzbrišiThis is so so so true! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeppp! :D
IzbrišiO teh stvareh nikdar ne razmišljam, ampak dejansko se skoraj v vsaki najdem :D Še posebej v 8., pa tudi, če nimam ne fashion in niti beauty bloga :D Moja najljubša pa je 10. točka. Sploh si ne predstavljam kaj bi drugače počela in kako bi bil sestavljen moj vsakdan. Super je bilo to prebrati, so mi res všeč take objave! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa še enkrat - srečno in uspešno leto ti želim! :)
Hahah, ja tista je mogoče še najboljša :D
IzbrišiEnako. Prav postane del tebe in tvoje osebnosti/vsakdana :)
Hvala ti!
Super, da si se odločila za takšno objavo, ker pride zelo prav :) Joj, jaz običajno za eno objavo potrebujem skoradja cel dan. Slikam po dobro uro, potem traja, da vse zložim na svoja mesta, izberem v redu slike in pišem tudi po 2 uri objavo. Kaj šele, ko ugotovim, da s slikami nisem zadovoljna :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahaha, ja enako - ljudje nimajo pojma koliko časa to vzame.
IzbrišiNo, predstavljaj si slikati outfite vsak teden in ko takrat ugotoviš da ti fotke niso OK, ko jih ne moreš kar tako ponoviti haha :D
Happy new year dear. Al your outfits are so amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKisses from germany, Sophie♥
Jaz bi osmi točki dodala naprej kakšno dvojko ali trojko, ko fotkam makeup looke. 200/300 fotk, da jih na koncu lahko objavim 5, ki kolikor toliko uspejo. Ljudje, ki đele začenjajo blogati, mislijo, da je vse ful na easy, pa ni, tudi če je blog hobi, zahteva ogromno časa. In zato eta točka 100 % drži. Marsikatera pusti blog po nekaj objavah, ker si vse predstavljajo, da bodo objave vzele malo časa in da bodo bralci začeli kapljati ter povečevati številke sami od sebe. Dejansko se strinjam z čisto vsako točko, ki si jo omenila, vse so resnične. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahaha, to pa verjamem - za makeup looke pa close-up posnetke definitivno še kakšna številka zraven.
IzbrišiHahah, no me veseli! :) <3
Se tudi jaz strinjam z napisanim.
Divan post, veoma iskreno!
Super post :)
Inspiring post! Thank you for that, and you looks gorgeous.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave a nice day.
Julia x
Fashion Inspiration Blog
So true - od prve pa do zadnje točke :D Sploh zadnje čase se v trgovinah velikokrat ujamem da razmišljam kako bi določeni predmeti izpadli kul na fotografijah :D Saj ne da potem največkrat služijo kot nabiralci prahu na policah, ampak dobro :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahah <3
IzbrišiSe kar podpišem ja :D
I absolutely agree with all the points in this post and yes, Blogging gives me freedom as well..xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo true!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy blog: Street Style City
Also have a look at my photography page: Photography