Vow to Fashion

ponedeljek, junij 15, 2015

Quick hello!

I know the web cam photos are far away from being perfect and so - but I really like them. 

Because they "add" some personality on the blog and make it more interesting. I really like bloggers which are staying "still the same" on the inside even if they have more readers and more money than ever. One of those things is the "simple web cam post".

I was not posting these days (well, 4 days to be exact!) because something really sad happened. My little bunny passed away after 8,5 years and I am really sad and lost without her to be honest. I can not believe that I have so much love and feelings for - a bunny! 

She was my 5th bunny and the oldest also. She was so special. So different than all the rest. Irreplaceable. 

But unfortunately, life goes on... And I can't stop crying if I think about it. So I'm gonna think positive & I really need a new little bunny to give him all the love I have for those little animals. 

I can't stand being in a home without animal so I think I will fill my sad heart with new bunny love.

But none will be the same as you Maggie, love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! 


5 komentarjev:

  1. So sorry to hear that, but you had bunny for that long, and that is amazing :)
    I believe you will love the new one as much as Maggie.
    Wish you a new little adorable bunny :)

  2. Žal mi je zaradi zajčka. :( Res ni lepo, ko ti umre domača žival, na katero si zelo navezan. Ko je pred leti umrla naša psička, ki smo jo imeli petnajst let, sem kar nekaj dni prejokala - res jih zelo pogrešaš, ko jih več ni. :(
    Drugače si pa zelo lepa na teh fotkah. :D

    1. Ojej, 15 let. Si ne predstavljam.

      Ja... Zato želim čimprej novo mrcinico doma, da se zamotim in lažje prebrodim to! :)

  3. Beautiful face!!! Xxxx


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