Vow to Fashion

petek, junij 05, 2015

Instagram time spring

Outfits timeline

Wine time with my girl Tanita

Makeup for latino night!

My Zoevas (one more left on wishlist!)

Favourite place for getting my energy - the hill right next to my home

Wearing my Ivyrevel dress & my man t-shirt with the same print haha!

Steak with nacho - MY FAV <3

Seaside memories

Adidas new collection 

Wish you all an amazing weekend! I will spent mine working, resting a little, maybe going out tonight & tomorrow on ski jumping contest woho! :)


2 komentarja:

  1. Great blog! Follow 4 follow? =)


  2. Omg! I love your outfits <3 And I also follow you :)!


Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,


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