One of the things I love the most in this world is "vibe of Čaršija".
I am proud to say that I have some bosnian blood in my body and that is definitely quilty for my taste and style.
When I first visited Sarajevo, I was immediately in love with that arabic old feeling that old town gave me - they call it "čaršija".
All made of wood and stone, old mosques, old statues, the best food ever (I hope you eat meat, because they are crazy about meat) and the best deserts!
I was soo surprised when I visited Skopje! I didn't know they have almost the exact same Čaršija there also!
So this is me, happy kid with freshly made braids (for only 5 euros!) and new top that I just bought in a local store on my happy place. Čaršija. Where you can smell the fresh food and hear some arabic/balkan music.
I could live here. Love this place, truly!
Love you Skopje, sakam te!
Wearing :
Top - bought in Skopje, don't know the brand, nothing fancy smensy
Legging - old and the most comfy leggings I own with no name
Earrings : H&M (best buy ever)
Shoes : Deichmann
Waa, kako dober outfit! Mi je ful všeč, sploh tej masivni uhani in kitke <3.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti <3
IzbrišiJa, kitke so carske - škoda, ker si jih ne morem sama naredit :/
prov lepa si:))
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice!Great style! xx Eszter
Jako mi se dopada cela kombinacija, ali mindjuse, mindjuse su ljubav na prvi pogled :)
Hvala ti puno! <3
IzbrišiOoo meni so te kitke tako všeč pa ful ti pašejo. :) Jaz si zdaj tudi puščam daljše lase, da bom lahko imela take lepe kitke. :P
IzbrišiSuper, že čakam da te vidim!
Majčka ima zelo dober napis, všeč mi je ! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala bejba! Res je dober :)
IzbrišiKok si lepa s kitkami.In celoten look,kot vedno paše ti v nulooo:)*