Vow to Fashion

ponedeljek, september 05, 2016

Seattle chinatown hippie look

Slike so posnete v Seattlu. V mojem prvem "pravem" ameriškem mestu. 

Res sem hvaležna in vesela, da sem imela možnost potovati na drug konec sveta. Nevem zakaj to velikokrat ponavljam, ampak preprosto se mi zdi neverjetno, da sem bila 10.000 km stran od doma. To se mi ne zdi vsakdanje in definitivno sem v življenju hvaležna za vsako potovanje, tudi če je to do našega Bleda na kremšnito. In pico. In še eno kremšnito. 

Zavrtimo čas nazaj, 100 let. 

Ali pa še bolje, 200 let. (spet jaz in zgodovina) Do Dunaja, peš 6 tednov. 

Zdaj? Imamo sedež na nebu, pa to jemljemo za nekaj vsakdanjega, cmon!


Meni je do Seattle vzelo 24 ur, lažem, do Vancouvra. Potem pa še 4 ure z avtobusem do Seattla. SPET LAŽEM. 3 ure in 1 ura na meji, ker so komplicirali. Katja terorist. Sigurno, bomba = makeup torbica. In viljamovka za prijatelja. In bučno olje za prijateljico. 

Očitno je jasno, da sem pogrešala pisanje, se opravičujem. 

Back to topic!

Kaj morate vedeti o Seattlu?

1. Seattle se nahaja v zvezni državi Washington. Na severu-zahodu ZDA. 

2. Microsoft je doma iz Seattle. Prav tako Bill Gates. 

3. Tudi Nirvana se je rodila v Seattlu.

4. Boeing je doma v Seattlu.

5. Ja, tudi film "Sleepless in Seattle" je iz tu!

6. Starbucks je iz Seattle. Ampak ga domačini ne marajo najbolje, ker je lastnik prodal njihovo NBA ekipo v Oklahomo. Tako, da ni vse tako rožnato, kot mislimo...

Kaj sem vzljubila pri Seattlu?

1. Odprti in prijazni ljudje. Mogoče so to ZDA nasplošno, ampak jaz sem se zaljubila v odprtost ljudi. Na nekaj takšnega upam tudi v Sloveniji... Približno 20-30 ljudi na dan me je v mestu ustavilo in pokomentiralo moj outfit, najbolj pa so bili navdušeni nad okrasjem na glavi. Ne morem verjeti, da je nekaj tako majhnega povzročilo takšno galamo, haha. 

2. HRANA. Kot ste lahko že opazile, obožujem hrano. V Seattlu je izbira odlična, ogromno različnih kuhinj, skratka se najde vse kar si zamislite! (goveje juhe ni bilo, ja!)

3. Center mesta, obožujem ga! Mešanica med gričastim San Franciscom in nebotičniki v New Yorku, res je zabavno mesto!

4. Alki plaža, to je bilo prijetno presenečenje. Da ima tudi Seattle plažo, s peskom, z mehičani ki pridno trenirajo salso, igrajo odbojko... čisti California feeling!

5. West Lake - jezero sredi mesta? Definitivno paše! Za oči in za možgane na off!

This photos were taken in Seattle. My very first American city.

I feel so grateful and happy that I was able to travel there, it is 10.000 kilometers away from my home! Some travel bloggers and professional journalist are most of the time just taking about countries and cities like it is the most ordinary thing to be so far away and like it takes nothing to get there.

Well it takes. Time and money to get there. About 24 hours of traveling, changing 4 countries in between and lots of patience on american border, haha. 

But this post is not going to be about complaining (I really don't like to do that in public, that's why I have my friends and boyfriend, wooops). 

This post is going to be about SEATTLE. But not ordinary travel post, just the things that really touched me and why I love this city. 

Things you need to know about Seattle, Washington

1. Washington is not a capital (that is Washington D.C.), Seattle is located on the NORTH WEST (haha, not so original Kim, right?), and it is in state Washington

2. Microsoft is from Seattle. Bill Gates too. I was looking for him, but he was hiding.

3. Nirvana was from Seattle.

4. Boeing is from Seattle. I lived almost right next to the museum. South park, my hood!

5. Yep, they shoot "Sleepless in Seattle" there.

Things I loved in Seattle

1. Kind and open people. So chatty, oh my gosh! I got so many comments on my hairband it was crazy. Like 20-30 people everyday stopping me on the streets and commenting. So funny!

2. FOOD. You have everything there. EVERYTHING. Well, I didn't find Yugoslavian restaurant, but I am sure that it exist there.

3. Downtown. Which looks like mix between San Francisco and New York, got love the hills and vibe of the high buildings!

4. Alki beach. Seattle really has a BEACH. Yep, North West of America has beach with sand and salsa. CRAZY! So beautiful, I was so surprised! <3

5. West lake. Lake in the middle of the town. Such a freedom and feeling of nature!

Wearing :

Top : Lili and Roza 
Skirt : H&M
Jacket : New Yorker
Headband : Ebay
Lipstick : Bell HypoAllergenic 08

4 komentarji:

  1. ulala ful sproscena zgledas in spocita :))))
    predvsem pa se cuti da uzivas:)))

  2. so amazing :>>

    \i invite to me too


  3. Such a beautiful skirt! And a city, too. I would love to feel that American free spirit. :)


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They really mean a lot to me,


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