Vow to Fashion

sobota, junij 11, 2016

What makes me follow your blog

1. If you are DIFFERENT. 

I love reading blogs of people than are not completely mainstream. I love to see their personality between the posts and photos... I don't like to read blogs of
girls which are so predictable and their style is "what is trendy and modern"... I want so much more from blog than this. 

I want to know YOU, not some perfect trendy girls from Instagram :'D

2. Good photos (not neccessairly the best)

And by that I do not mean perfect photos like from the magazine, let's leave that to models haha. We already stole them street style. 

I love photos which are BIG and BRIGHT. But I do not like ready "too professional blogs" because their photos are so photoshoped and everything and I can't see the real colour of the clothes and makeup... they do look good, but for me - this is simply not working as a reader. 

3. Great text

Not too long, not too short. I don't wanna read a blog for more then 5 minutes (I follow so many blogs, I don't have time for that) but please write something, only photos won't do. And please, use CAPS LOCK and some other tools, if text is really small I won't read it. Get it?! 

4. Your story

Like I mentioned before. I love reading blogs from a real girls - like myself. If you are living from your blog - great, but please mention some things that I can see that you are a human being, not only a doll that has a personal photographer and makeup artist and so on... Let's stay REAL people! <3

This please...! I like reading blogs if they post regular which means at least 1x a week. But I 
prefer blogs which post at least 2-3 times per week. 

I will simply stop reading you if you are not posting... And you are not so interesting anymore. Hahah, this sounds so wrong, but I am trying to be honest.

P.s. I know that sometimes we don't have time... but, a good blogger takes care of that too. 

6.  Simple blog 

So important for me! I don't like blogs which are too complicated and they look like a online - store. Please, let the blog be blog. Not commercial site. 

Old good blogs are the best for me!

7. Instagram account

I always follow my favourite bloggers also on instagram. So it's good thing to have it <3

P.s. Da ne pozabim, na facebooku poteka nagradna igra za Bell osvetljevalec! TUKAJ! :)

10 komentarjev:

  1. Super objava Katja in strinjam se z vsem napisanim :) Tvoj blog je dober primer bloga katere jaz v večini followam :) <3

    1. Hvala ti! <3

      Ful imam rada takšne objave, ki so malce drugačne od mojih tipičnih objav.

      Hvala :* Enako velja za tvojega haha <3

  2. super objavica in dajemvelik like vsemu kar si napisala.Veš, da jaz včasih kar pozabim na kak blog, ko ne objavlja redno, oz. mi gre iz glave, je pa tudi težko redno in pogosto objavljat. Jaz sem iz 3x na teden že padla na 2x ampak se mi zdi, da je tako čisto OK. Veliko časa mi vzame moj hobi, jaz pa sedaj preveč uživam v lepih dneh, v naravi:). Ampak se bom trudila, da bo za moj blog vedno čas:)vsajpo 8 uri zvečer:). Všeč so mi te malce netipične objave, eno tako si pa tako še svojemu dragemu dolžna, saj veš:).In saj veš, jaz te z užitkom prebiram, vedno znova in znova:)*

    1. Hvala ti Monika <3

      Res je, se strinjam. Ampak mislim, da se vsak trud poplača :)

      Ja, 2x na teden je čisto super. Jaz sem včasih objavljala skoraj vsak dan - pa sem ugotovila, da je boljša kvaliteta kot kvantiteta haha.

      Hahah, joj veš kako se mu dobro zdi - ko ga tako hvališ! <3

      Enako, :* <3

  3. odlicno, u potpunosti se slazem sa napisanim! :)

  4. Tvoj blog rada prebiram tudi zato, ker ne zavijaš v celofan, ampak direktno napišeš. 🙂😍

  5. Even though my blog is bilingual, I mostly read blogs in Polish, and what annoys me the most is when the quality od the text is poor, when there are countless mistakes ;/

    1. Well, my Slovene is not 100% perfect, neither is my english, but I am trying my best haha.

      But yeah I get you some mistakes are funny! :D But we are all only real people who make mistakes :D


Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,


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