Vow to Fashion

petek, oktober 09, 2015

Eurotrip : Utrecht magic evening

I still have some outfits left from the trip and will try to show them to you as soon as possible, there are so many things going on and I have too many posts to post, hah! #standard

So, this look is from... UTRECHT! Utrecht is such a cute city between EDE and AMSTERDAM, it is around 25 min away (by train) from Amsterdam. We had an amazing evening here, chilling by the river and enjoying the architecture!

Before that we were in Amsterdam and I bought this "dress/t-shirt" because I was dressed totally wrong, haha in the morning was so cold and then hot... (Holland!)

So, this is outfit is totally improvised, hat from Hamburg, dress from main square in Amsterdam and the rest is my "classic equipment" haha!

Wish you an amazing day, I am spending my day with friends today!

P.S. SLOVENIAN READERS ONLY : Punce, v SOBOTO, 17.20 na RTV SLO 1 bo v oddaju Posebna ponudba predstavljen problem "zavajanja kupcev" s kozmetiko L'Amorage. Govorila bom tudi jaz & kupci, ki so prizadeti. Vse skupaj se je začelo ravno zaradi moje kritike (preberi tukaj!) in vesela sem, da so se punce na mojem blogu našle in si bodo pomagala, pa tudi ogromno punc sem opozorila pred zavajanjem.

Ponavljam za tiste, ki narobe razumejo : ne govorim o kvaliteti krem, čeprav je tudi ta pod vprašanjem in sestavine, ampak o NAČINU poslovanja in vsiljivem psihološko preračunanem načinu kako človeka, tudi če noče kupiti "stisniti v kot" in da "prisiliti" da podpiše pogodbo.

Lep vikend vsem! <3

11 komentarjev:

Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,


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