Batiste - is one of the most famous products on beauty blogs. So that's the reason I bought it in Germany in Douglas store.
I tried some Balea's dry shampoos and that's pretty much it. I only use it when I'm really in a hurry and I don't have time to wash my hair. Normally it helps me to have my hair prettier for only one day, not more.
Batiste shampoo is different!
- because the smell is amazing
- because it doesn't leave any white dust on your hair
- gives a volume to my hair
- keeps my hair fresh for more than one day
I am really happy that I found a products that helps me with my oily hair. I must wash my hair every 2-3 days, because I also workout almost everyday so...
Have you tried this products? What are your thoughts? :)
P.s. I know my english is far away from being perfect (believe me, hah!) but I speak 5 languages and I really want to practice them as much as possible every day, so don't judge. I really hate when people judge when someone is not writing or speaking a language perfectly. I really hate that. Everyone deserves a chance to speak and learn a new language. You learn, when you make a mistake.
I am better "speaker" than writer in all of the languages, but still I want to improve! So, be patient to all of the people which are trying and learning new language. I was also thinking about writing a post in spanish, german, croatian maybe? It would be interesting for me and probably for my readers from those countries haha, they could laugh with me! :D
Peace & lipsticks,
Sem v Zagrebu razmišljala al rabim še enega, za rezervo :P Ampak sem se uprla, ker mam še doma enega ogromna pa enega normal size...Majo pa smešno cene tam: v DMju je napram Douglasu cenejši za 1€ .. se kr pozna :) ..Nisem pa še mela teh dveh vonjev na fotki..
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajboljši mi je drugač Tropical <3
Edino cene pa nevem kakšne so drugje. V Nemčiji je tavelik 4 eure :)
IzbrišiTale cherry ful lepo diši <3
Odlicni su, koristim ih :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaa super ideja, predlagam da pišeš blog poste v nemščini to bi bilo super tudi za bralce :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiZa nemške mogoče ja :)
IzbrišiTole je sicer zadnja opcija glede jezikov, ampak bi pa rada enkrat probala definitivno :) !
a v sloveniji se jih neda dobit ?
OdgovoriIzbrišiNe :(
IzbrišiRavno prejšnji teden sem jih videla v Müller v City Centru Celje, če si kje iz okolice se le ustavi tam :)
IzbrišiPa kako to? Nekateri Mullerji imajo, drugi ne :(
IzbrišiTo pa res nisem vedela, škoda da jih nimajo povsod :(
OdgovoriIzbrišikjes poliglot :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahahahahahah aqui, ovdje, tukaj, here!
IzbrišiŽe sama embalaža je tako kjut! :D Škoda, da jih v Slo nimajo :/ Bi ga mogoče celo preizkusla, čeprav nisem za suhe šampone, ker na moje mastne lase kar nima nobenega učinka -.- Je pa res, da sem do zdaj preizkusila samo dva, mogoče sem prehitro obupala :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz imam tudi že 2. dan mastne lase, ampak tale je zares rešuje.
IzbrišiKatere si pa probala? :)
Sounds like a winner, even though I am not interested in dry shampoos. Nice post!
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
I've heard good things about this batiste product! Going on my wish ♥ list now.