Writing about my new discoveries in the world of lip balms again!
I never tried this "classic" one before. But I was so curious that just had to try it - and the price is really low so that wasn't a problem.
"It became one of my favourite lip balms. And believe me, I tried almost all lip balms you can get here in Europe".
It has really special formula, with this typical scent and menthol feeling. I really like it, you can get it in stick and tube also, so I think I will try other versions in the future - probably vanilla and mint scent too!
It stays on my lips for a long time, so I'm using it a lot of times when I go running, like this morning - it was so foggy and cold, but this lip balm was protecting my lips all the time!
Did you tried this one already? :)
It's my favourite lip balms ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVanilla se dobi v Slo?
OdgovoriIzbrišiSince I remember, my lips were very dry, especially in fall. I bought this balm and I'm really pleased :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTale je moj rešitelj v zimskem času, samo čez noč ga pustim na ustnicah in naslednje jutro niso več razpokane. Jaz bi tistega s češnjo, ampak ga ni v Sloveniji, grrrrr :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, na ebayu ga lahko najdeš! :)
IzbrišiEs mi favorito.
tole še morem jaz tud sprobat enkrat :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI definitely wanna try it out!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCheck out my new post Here!!!
Kje se jih pa dobi?
OdgovoriIzbrišiV Mullerju. :)
IzbrišiJaz sem preizkusila tistega v tubici, božanski so :)