One of my favourite combinations, my favourite summer heels, slim jeans and glittered top with my new obsession - white blazer.
So, I have to leave my opinion about this year's Eurovision. I'm really big fan of it, since I was a little girl - the magic of Europe being connected in one night with music and voting - I always liked this idea of spending one night in the year the same as the other people around the Europe.
So, SLOVENIA IS IN THE FINAL! I'm so happy, after 2 years finally!
But I fall totally in love with Austrian song. And I'm the person who is "too passionate" about something or I don't like it at all.
But this performance... The passion and voice. I really love it.
This man (yes, she is a man :D) is really an amazing woman! The makeup, the look and the moves, incredible.
I like people who dare to be different. I'm big fan of that. And I know there are a lot of people who are not that open minded. I was watching interviews - for example the one is here, I love the way he is answering the questions and of course I can't resist the message he is sending in the world :
You can do whatever you want. It's not about the colour of your skin or the country you are from. If you're not hurting anyone, you can do whatever you want with your life. <3
P.s. The makeup is incredible. I love this guy haha :'D
Wish u all an amazing day! Be tolerant and don't hate what you don't understand :)
Very pretty look!
J'adore ton jeans !
very stylish look babes !
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for following, I am ur new follower too :)
wow, great !!! :)
Hello from Spain: wow, wow ... fabulous sandals. Nice pictures. Keep in touch
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks so much! :) <3
Izbrišiso nice blog ! very interesting ! im glad that im here :) i want to invite you to mine and maybe you would like to follow each other? if yes just follow me and let me know i ll do the same as soon as possible :*
OdgovoriIzbriši★ ♛✩ ❀ ✿ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤♥
Sama tudi že leta gledam Evrovizijo! In se popolnoma strinjam z vsem kar si zgoraj napisala za Avstrijo, res glas in stas pa še drugačnost! Sicer pa odličen outfit, sploh petke so waw!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :)
IzbrišiMa ja, takšne mam rada. Ki si upajo :)
OH, cisto zem lzaljuljena v to majco, ta je res perfektna!!!
Svetlana od Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
Instagram // Faceboook
Hvala! :D
IzbrišiKičasta, ampak to sem jaz haha :D
ful dobro napisano! :) mislim da je vse premalo ljudi tako odprtih in taki znajo samo sodit ljudi, pa čeprav jih osebno niti ne poznajo.. svet bi bil preveč pust, če bi bli vsi isti. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišipa oufit mi je prečudovit in ti super paše! :) petke pa so res nekaj posebnega<3
IzbrišiJa, točno tako. Ljudje se preveč ukvarjajo s stvarmi ki jim niso všeč - veliko preveč časa vložijo v to, namesto da bi se posvetili stvarem ki so jih všeč in nehali samo pljuvati en čez drugega.
Ampak v takšnem svetu živimo. Nažalost :)
Hvala še enkrat. Ja, predvsem petka je res milimetrska, tako da je treba pazljivo hodit :D
This outfit is perfect! and those heels..... so pretty! Cannot wait to see more from you!
Such a great blog! If you wanna follow each other via GFC, just let me know on my blog:-)
Imam eno vprašanje, ni povezano z outfitom pa vendarle bom vprašala tukaj :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZanima me, če veš za katere umetne trepalnice, ki so cenovno bolj ugodne in so super :)
Ker sem trenutno v iskanju le teh in na tem področju nimam nič izkušenj, niti nasvetov... Pa se mislila, da vprašam tebe :)
Hvala za nasvet že vnaprej!
Pozdravljena! Všeč mi je da ceniš moje mnenje in da vprašaš, res rada pomagam! :)
IzbrišiSama jih sicer ne uporabljam, malo sem eksperimentirala vendar raje večkrat nanesem dobro maskaro in jih razčešem da izgledajo kot umetne :)
Drugače pa - če se ti ne mudi, na ebayu ( se dobijo po reeeees smešno nizkih cenah 10 parov za slab dolar.
In so preverjeno dobre. Res pa je da se čaka na njih 2-3 tedne.
Drugače pa mislim da punce hvalijo od Art Decoja. Je pa boljše da se še pri kateri blogerki pozanimaš :)
Sexy čeveljčki in ti, seveda ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou look gorgeous Katja!!! Love the top you're wearing :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnna from
Great outfit!! Love it!!
Dobr outfit!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPetke so pa čist totaaalno hude ^^
Lepo napisano, se strinjam, seveda je pa tudi top čudovit :)