Vow to Fashion

petek, april 11, 2014

Pinky cardigan

Today is my birthday! I can't believe everything moves so fast! But still we gotta enjoy it to the fullest!

I'm gonna spend my day with some friends, can't wait to see my girls! And then in the evening my love prepared something special for me. We're going to the coast, to have a dinner there near the sea (shrimps <3) and then we have a hotel room in one of the most gorgeous hotels on the coast. We will spend a mini vacations there and just relax and enjoy. 

And (like this is not enough) he also organised my night out - with my friend Nik - he bought us a tickets for Lepa Brena balkan night concert! Can't wait to dance and sing after a long time!!!

It's gonna be a great weekend, can't wait!

And another outfit, one of my favourites for my readers :)


7 komentarjev:

  1. Bas mi se svidja kako se dzemperic uklopio :)

  2. Ooo vse najboljše, vsega kar si želiš* :)

  3. vse najbolše!! :D lepo se imej zvečer! :)))

  4. What lovely cardigan and the outfit looks great.

  5. Vem da malo pozno, ampak vseeno iz srca. Vseee najboljše, upam da ste se z novo številko že dobro razumeta in da si preživela prelep dan. In naj takšni prijetni dnevi še trajajo naprej...


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They really mean a lot to me,


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