The amazing - Aruba blue (essie)
Špela (tetovarna) doing my third baby.
My favourite place for skiing. Vogel <3
The view
My favourite
Steak with nacho <3
Dream come true. Selfie with Noriaki Kasai. I wanted a picture with this amazing legend of ski jumping so badly! I knew it was almost impossible to get him in Planica because it's too crowdy and too many security guards, but if you really really want something... It will come to you.
I was driving across Kranjska Gora, going home to Ljubljana... And suddenly I realised the van that stopped in front of my car - was a Japanese van, full of ski jumpers going to the hotel. And there he was - the oldest Ski jumper, the legend, Olimpic champ - Noriaki.
So grateful for this moment.
Realy nice pictures:)
OdgovoriIzbrišilepe fotke. sploh prvaaa. :)) in hranaaa, lačnaaa.
nice photos! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit my blog >> I AM JENNIYA
New post up!
Oooo, to pa je zmagovalni selfie! :)) On je res legenda!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, such an impressive set of photos!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGetting a tattoo is always so exciting; and the expression on your face in the photo looks like the pain was worth it ;-)
Sophie | soinspo xo
Nice pictures! :D