Vow to Fashion

nedelja, marec 23, 2014

Red shoes

Another casual outfit, mix of everything I like : high heels, crystal statement necklace, furry jacket and new blue jeans.

I had the most amazing 4 days! I was in Planica (ski jumping world cup) one of the best days, I got my third tattoo - stay tuned! And spend some time with friends and my love. 

So, I'm really sad that the ski jumping season is over, I was watching competitions for 4 months and now I have to wait till November for new one.

Wish u all an amazing sunday! :)


8 komentarjev:

  1. loove the shoes and that necklace! so pretty :)

    xo, Brikena

  2. Super outfit, rdeci cevlji res pozivijo celotno kombinacijo!
    Komaj cakam slikico novega tattooja :D

  3. Hello from Spain: great red shoes. Keep in touch.

  4. świetny look! :)

  5. fuuul dobro skombinirano. :D lepaaa in čevlji so top. :3

  6. Thank you for your comment! I'm following :)

    Love your jacket!

    xoxo Irina,


Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,


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