Love, love.
Got those new shoes, which are totally classic and I can't wait to wear them!
New season is coming and sun is shining and waiting for us to start wearing heels again! :)
Today I had a really busy day. I was skiing with my father all day, and the weather was so lovely (check out my instagram : @katjagrudnik)
And now - gotta prepare for my Zumba class!
Day full of sport! :)
More fashion in next few days :)
Following you! hope to see you among my followers!
OdgovoriIzbriši:) sure!
IzbrišiLOVE !!
OdgovoriIzbrišikiss from
Ker imaš super blogec, vedno nekaj novega in ker si zelo zabavna in pozitivna oseba, sem te nominirala za Leibster Award.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVeč si lahko prebereš tukaj:
Seveda pa ti želim, da bi še naprej blogala in napredovala v tem, ker se vidi da zares uživaš. :)
xoxo, Nina