As I already said, the most expensive cosmetics is not always the best. I have proved that. So, this time I decided to try some cosmetics which is not that expensive. Just to see, what the difference is.
And, I found out that Essence mascara Extreme... Is the best mascara I have ever tried. THE BEST. Better than Dior, Chanel and other. And it costs only 3 eur. The same is for compact powder and for brush.
So, why would we spend so many money on stuff that have the same effect only different name?
think about it, kiss kiss :*
think about it, kiss kiss :*
Essence is a great brand, i will be reviewing twilight collection of essence on my blog this week:) i'll buy and try the mascara you've mentioned
OdgovoriIzbrišivisit StyleGlaze
Great I will visit you then! :)
IzbrišiYeah, people are too much phony, they think only cosmetics for big money is good, but it's really not like that. I'm just warning that is meaningless to pay so much money for same thing.
Try it - I'm using it and buying it for more than a year - my favorite :)
Zanimivo razmišljanje in se popolnoma strinjam s teboj. Ta šminka je rdeče barve,ne? Ker trenutno iščem pravi odtenek zase. Kje si kupila?
OdgovoriIzbrišiŽivjo! :)
IzbrišiJa, ful rada eksperemintiram s kozmetiko. In preizkušam nove firme in ugotavljam kvaliteto. In ja, določene stvari so boljše dražje. Predvsem senčila. Ampak nisem še probala boljše maskare od tele Extreme :) Premaga tudi Diorjevo. Senčila mam pa večino make-up in Sephoro. :)
Ostalo pa res mešano. :)
Šminka je malo močnejša nude rjava. Ful lepa in obstojna res. Misslyn. V Mullerju :)
I use Essence too! I bought a blush last week and I love the color! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, I would like we follow each other!;)
I'm a your follower now, I'm waiting you.
Miky <3
IzbrišiI can't see it here, but okay :D
Yeah, blush is perfect! :)
I love essence!!
Izbrišivšečkam tvoje nove stvarce :))
Tisto za obrve je res top stvar! :) Tut sama uporaljam pa mislim, da ne bi menjala nikoli za nič :D super blog!!