Frankfurt outfit number 3!
Because I was traveling a lot and I didn't have time to post you all my looks, I'm posting you this one now! I was wearing this on my first day in frankfurt. I chose more "elegant-chic look", because Frankfurt is a town of business men and women! So I had to look a little like them and a little like turist! I think my combination was perfect for that day!
fajne połączenia, ja na twoim miejscu postawiłabym na akcent np. pomalowała mocniej usta pozdrawiam :)
hehe, I understand half of the text :D
IzbrišiThe necklace and sunglasses are a beautiful pieces!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPretty look.
Thanks! :*
Izbrišiwow :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiamazing :)
love your style :)
I follow your blog now :)
thanks for nice comment on my blog :)
Thanks, I loved it :) !
Izbrišique guapa¡¡ el look es precioso¡¡ muy elegante¡¡ mil besoss
OdgovoriIzbrišigracias linda :***