
sreda, marec 30, 2016

Hello kitty by OPI

Danes vam bom predstavila novo kolekcijo OPI lakov. HELLO KITTY! Predolgo je odkar sem nazadnje objavila svoj "Nails of the day", preprosto se mi zdi, da moji nohti niso tako zanimivi - haha, saj njim ne posvečam toliko pozornosti, lakec, top coat z bleščicami ali brez in to je to. Vsa čast nohtaricah, ki ustvarjate nore manikure - jaz preprosto nimam časa in potrpljenja za to! 

Today I am going to present you new OPI collection! Hello Kitty! <3

It's been ages since I post my last "notd". I believe that my manicures are really simple, basic. I don't have much time for it and patience haha. But, you - "Nail bloggers" are amazing. Such art on your nails and details! <3

Brez dvoma, bo kolekcija požela ogromen uspeh, saj so odtenki zelo različni in primerni za "nohtarice" vseh vrst!

Meni osebno, sta najbolj všeč svetla odtenka, zato sem tudi samo ta ocenila, ker ostalih nekako ne vidim na svojih nohtih.

Cena za paketek je okoli 20 eur. (odvisno od trgovine, države)

This one will be successful line of nail polishes, without doubt - because it has so many different shades. You can already see that my favourites are bright ones.
Price is around 20 euros for a package. 

Opi - Milk bottle

OPI - Let's be friends

Opi je definitivno ena izmed največjih in vodilnih znamk - ko pridemo do lakov za nohte. 

Definitivno pa ni bila moja najljubša. Imam kar nekaj OPI lakcev, okoli 10 in barve so čudovite. Kar se tiče kvalitete, pa se dobi tudi boljša.

Laki so mi na nohtih (brez krušenja) zdržali le okoli 3 dni in to se mi je zdelo premalo za 14 eur, ki jih vložiš v lak. Res je, da zdržijo okoli 3-4 leta brez sušenja, pa vseeno...

Pri tej kolekciji opažam, da je tekstura boljša. Zdržijo dlje časa brez krušenja (okoli 5-6 dni.) BRAVO, OPI!

For this cost (for big OPI - around 14 euros) I expected that they will last around 5 days, but they didn't. The price is not low, so I expect the best of the best for this price. Previous OPI nail polishes that I have, were not so good as those now. They last at least 2-3 days more than previous nail polishes.

Great job OPI!

Wish you all a wonderful day! <3


četrtek, marec 24, 2016

Bell HypoAllergenic cosmetics favourites

Pripravite se! Ena izmed najdaljših objav na blogu je tu! Spet vam bom predstavile nekatere izmed Bell produktov! 

Tokrat moje najljubše!

Odločila sem se, da se vam pokažem v svoji opravi v kateri najpogosteje ustvarjam moje makeup looke! Kopalni plašč! Bodisi fantov (hvala August, rada te imam, oprosti ker te potem zebe ko ti ukradem) ali pa moj, ki je čisto enak vendar beige barve. Nekako se nikoli ne mažem potem ko sem že oblečena, rada ustvarjam tako, da mi je najbolj udobno.

Preeeepare yourself! One of the largest posts is here! I am going to show you some of my favourite Bell products!

I also decided that I will show you what I wear when I create my makeup looks, haha thanks to my boyfriend I am always wearing his or my bath coat. I love feeling comfy when I create my makeup!

Spet nekaj besed o mojih Bell favoritih! Kot sem že velikokrat omenila, so Bell izdelki eni izmed mojih najljubših zadnje čase.

Kozmetiko proizvajajo na Poljskem. Kar je zanimivo je to - da v istih tovarnah kot NYX kozmetiko in še nekaj ostalih.

Kozmetika je hipoalergena, super za vse, ki imate težave z alergijami, rdečicami, nosite leče...

Kozmetiko se lahko naroči preko interneta tukaj (klik), ali pa kupi v fizičnih trgovinah Maxi, Nama in Tuš Drogerije. Ker me velikokrat to sprašujete, se ponavljam.

Again writing about Bell cosmetics! This cosmetics is made in Poland in the same factory as they make NYX products and others. Cosmetics is made for people with skin problems and people with sensitive skin. You can buy it in Slovenia, online or in our shops : Maxi, Nama and Tuš drogerija.

Ustvarila sem preprost everyday makeup z Bell izdelki! Sicer nisem ljubiteljica nude šmink, kot ste verjetno že opazile - ampak ta, je moja najbolj "perfect" nude šminka kar sem jih imela. Obožujem jo!

I created a simple everyday look with Bell products! I am not a nude lipstick lover, but I adore this one! My favourite!

PUNCE, roko na srce - tale osvetljevalec je "top of the top"!!! Mene je res neverjetno navdušil. Nikoli nisem bila fanica osvetljevalev in podobnih efektov, ampak Bellov... je fantastičen.

Danes je sestra že kupila osvetljevalec, ker ni mogla prenašati kako lepo se mi svetijo lička in je preprosto morala izgledati tako - tudi ona, haha. Oprosti, Nina ker zapravljaš zaradi mene. <3

 Cena je okoli 6 eur in je vreden vsakega centa, ko sem gledala cene bolj znanih osvetljevalecev, je razlika očitna. Kar se tiče pa kvaliteta, pa nevem če se pozna. 

Izdelek za katerega dam "roko v ogenj" da je fantastičen! Preizkusite ga na prodajnih mestih!

I am impressed by Bell's highlighter. It is so pigmented and simply amazing! <3
I was never a big fan of highlighters, but this one totally stole my heart away!

You should try it, definitely! And the price is only about 6 euros!


Nimam pripomb. Izdelka, ki sta me pustila brez negativnega komentarja. Lahka tekstura, lepi odtenki in nič mastnega sijaja. 

Sama imam najsvetlejše odtenke obeh krem, svetujem pa da jih prej seveda preizkusite na prodajnih mestih. (imajo testerje)

Cena je zelo odstopna okoli 7-8 eurov in jih zelo toplo priporočam.

Za vse, ki ne marate pudrov, so vam pretežki, ne marate sijaja in bi želeli le rahlo prekrivnost. V kombinaciji z njihovimi blushi, izpadejo odlično.

Again something that I totally love. Their texture is so light, can can barely feel that you are wearing a cream. It is perfect for all the people that doesn't like foundations and powders.

I am impressed. One of my favourites! The price is really low 7-8 euros, but the quality is high. Coverage is really typical for BB cream, medium. 

Eden izmed TOP 5 produktov od Bella je matirni puder oz. kot ga sama rada imenujem "fiksator". 

Je popolnoma bele barve in ga uporabim čisto na koncu, da zafiksiram celotem makeup. Brez tega izdelka si NE predstavljam svojega dnevnega makeupa - z njem se moja T cona začne svetiti šele čez nekaj ur in makeup izgleda bolj popoln.

Odličen je, dobite ga res veliko za majhno ceno.

One of my favourite produtcs is also "matte powder" which keeps my skin matte for hours and hours. I can not imagine my daily makeup without using this product. It truly is amazing. 

Edini izdelek, ki me je razočaral - so bila senčila. Pa ne zaradi pigmentiranosti, ta je odlična - vendar zaradi embalaže. Nažalost se mi je 1 senčka razbila v torbici še preden sem jo uspela preizkusiti.

Senčilo je odlično kar se tiče pigmentacije in obstojnosti - res se lahko primerjajo z visokocenovnimi, kar se pa tiče embalaže pa je bilo res malce nerodno. 

Eyeshadows are really highly pigmented and long-lasting. I loved that. But the packaging is not so good. My eyeshadow broke, before I even try it. I was left with only one - but this one is great.

So one big "NO", for packaging. Such a pitty, because eyeshadow itself is really amazing.

Produkti, ki jih morate preizkusiti so definitivno :

- BB in CC krema 
- osvetljevalec
- rdečilo
- bronzer
- maskara 
- šminke

Moji favoriti. Vsi izdelki so FANTASTIČNI in sem nad njimi več kot navdušena. Nizka cena, odlična kvaliteta, so hipoalergeni...

Res nevem kaj bi si še lahko želela! :)

Products that you need to try : BB and CC cream, highlighter, blush, bronzer, mascara and lipsticks. They are low-budget, fantastic quality and hypoallerenic. 

Če bi se morala odločiti le za 3 produkte, ki so me navdušili bi bili to (s težkim srcem se odločam)

- puder (fantaaaaassstiiičeeeeen)
- osvetljevalec (če je navdušil mene, ki nikoli ne uporabljam osvetljevalca... in ga zdaj vsak dan - vam je vse jasno!)
- BB krema (tako zelo lahkotna)

If I had to chose only 3 favourite products it would be ... 

- powder (because is sooo fantaaaaassstiiiccc)
- highlighter (I never used it, now I use it everyday)
- BB cream

Prosim, da mi javite ko boste preizkusile kozmetiko, res me zanima kakšni se vam bodo zdeli produkti! :)

Please drop me a comment when you will try the products, I am really curious!



P.s. Za trepalnice so zaslužni v Renaissance studiu. Več tukaj!

torek, marec 22, 2016

Ways bloggers can support each other

I'm sure that lots of bloggers will agree that "being part of the community" is one of the best things about being a blogger.

You can meet so many different, interesting people and that's really amazing!

But of course there can be some negativity, which is totally normal because people are different and they have different taste & style. So, I got this idea to put together some tips why bloggers should support each other.

1. You are not gonna get along with all the bloggers.

It's totally normal that you can't get along with all the people around you. It's totally OK, to have your own opinion and share it... but insulting someone personally is not OK. Accept that people sometimes just don't agree with each other.

2. Make an effort

I enjoy reading other blogs and comment on them, liking other blogger's instagram photos - I think this is important. To support each other. I don't like bloggers who never comment on other blogger's post and you always do on theirs... Well, it's just kind of support that I like and find important. It is nice to know that our time and posts are being appreciated and blogging community can become such a nicer place.

3. Accept that some people get paid for blogging.

There is such a negative attitude around sponsored posts and I understand why. Okay, some people that are not bloggers - just don't understand how this works.

I would NEVER sponsor something that I don't like and don't believe in. I kinda laugh when I see all the photos on Instagram of a big bloggers (fitness, fashion...) drinking those magic teas all the time and taking some magic candies for nicer hair... well, I have enough of thise typical sponsored thing, I get it that you got few 1000$ or more for posting it, but still I don't buy that haha. 

Stay real. Sponsored posts are totally OK, if you agree and believe in the product. Remember when "oh so" famous Kylie J was sponsoring a cream which will make your booty bigger? Well... haha, that's what I am talking about.

4. Make an effort (again!)

Some of the people just DON'T like helping each other. Well, I admit I click a lot of times on "google ads" commercials on blog, because I know that brings them few cents and why not? If can help only with 1 click and make a bloggers happy, why not. I doesn't cost me anything.

And when it comes to affiliate links. Why not clicking on them and making blogger's statistics better and help them? If you can reading their blogs for free... well, that's at least you can do!

You never know, people can start doing this for you too! :)

5. Don't be a dick. 

Haha, sorry for the title, but I had too. This is applying to life in general. Be a nice person. Don't like the blog or person? Ok. Move on. Don't like a youtube video? Ok, that's fine. Stop watching it. 

You don't have to be rude and tell people their makeup sucks or that their outfit looks like crap. Who does that? Would you have guts to say this in person?!

Put to energy into being nicer and better person. You are not gonna like everything I write and that's okay. Just. Be. Nice.

Like I'm always saying "The most important thing is to stay true and real to yourself. Lots of people want's to be "like that girl, like this girl"... well you know what? There is only 1 YOU in this Universe. Enjoy being unique! :*"

Love and pizzas,


sobota, marec 19, 2016

Golden rose review

Danes vam bom predstavila Golden Rose ličila! Z njimi sem se prvič srečala na drugih tujih blogih, kasneje pa tudi v naših trgovinah (BTC, CITY-PARK, KOPER...) in na blogerski konferenci. Nekaj lakov pa sem nakupila tudi v Beogradu novembra (klik do objave).

Today I am presenting you Golden Rose brand! I first read about them on other (mostly Balkan) blogs and then they came to Slovenia, as well!

Golden Rose je turška znamka. Nekateri imajo zaradi tega o njej predsodke, jaz jih nimam. Izdelki res niso naravni, vendar ne vsebujejo nič posebej škodljivega. 

Na Balkanu je znamka že kar stalnica, v nekaterih državah že več kot 20 let.

It is a turkish brand. Some of the people think that means that is not so good, but I don't. It's not natural, but ingredients are really not that bad! I am glad that I am presenting you some of the products. In Balkan this brand is already active for 20 years!

Kot lahko vidite - ŠMINKE SO NORE. Meni osebno eden izmed najljubših produktov - sploh matte šminke. Odlična pigmentacija in obstojnost.

As you can see, lipsticks are highly pigmented - I adore them. Especially matte ones. 

Drugi najljubši izdelek je definitivno - bronzer/rdečilo! Božanska pigmentacija, ki jo vidite na zgornjih slikah in res res res prelepi odtenki. Izbira je ogromna!

One of my favourite things it definitely also blusher/bronzer. The shades are amazing and the choice of colours is really huge, so you can find something for everyone.

Maskare priznam, nisem testirala. Ker imam trenutno podaljšane trepalnice to ni prišlo v poštev. Zgleda pa prelepa in prav tako obetavna. Jo je katera že testirala?

I admit, I didn't test this mascara, because I have lash extensions now... But I believe that it is amazing. It looks really cute and pretty :3

Kje lahko najdemo trgovine Golden Rose?

Kot sem omenila, trgovine lahko najdemo v Ljubljanskem City Parku, Hali A in (zaenkrat še) Merkator centru na Šmartinski. Prav tako pa tudi v Kopru!

You can find shops in Ljubjana and Koper!

Eye liner je prav tako odličen. Pigmentacija je super, tudi model mi je všeč - nikoli ne uporabljam "mehkih" čopičev, ampak nujno trde - ker se lepše namažejo. 

Eye-liner is also amazing. I always use the "hard" brush!

Najbolj me je razočarala "kvaliteta" senčil za oči. Pigementacija je srednja, se ne more primerjati z rdečilom, ki je OH in sploh čudovit in pa šminkami.

Preden sem prišla domov, pa se mi je tudi prelomila ena izmed senčk, tako da sem bila malce žalostna... 

The only thing that wasn't so great - were eyeshadows. They are medium pigmented, not so bad, but the quality is not so good. Gorgeous colours, but it broke on my way home and I was gentle with it - so... I don't really know who's fault is that.

Kar se tiče izdelkov sem bila najbolj zadovoljna z rdečilom/bronzerjem ter šminkami. Preprosto TOP izdelki, morate preizkusiti njihove matte šminke, ki so primerljive z Macovimi ter blushe, ki so že na videz čuuudovite.

I was highly impressed by the matte lipstick (they are so amazing) and blushes/bronzer. I loooove it. You really need to try one!

Pa vaša izkušnja z Golden Rose ličili? :)

Jih poznate?



P.s. JUTRI PA V PLANICO, bo še katera tam? :) <3

sreda, marec 16, 2016

Turban x Ivyrevel top

One of my latest looks! I definitely didn't want to "fit in" wearing all this haha!

I love mixing "trendy" with my turbans, which always remind me of my gorgeous countries I love : India + Middle East countries (including UAE)

 (even if some people only think about war and refuges when we mention them, nonsense!) 

I am wearing my Ivy Revel top - so simple, but I love it so much!

I have some busy busy weeks in front of me. On my working & Zumba territory and BLOGGING! We will have so many events in the next weeks and one trip! I really can't wait to spend some time with my babes again.

Not to mention that I'm already studying for my May/June exams. So back on track, definitely! 

I really like how this looks turned out. I wasn't planning to include the turban into this look - but it would be too boring without it.



Wearing :

TOP - Ivyrevel
SHOES - Deichmann
COAT - New Yorker
CARDIGAN - Unknown

ponedeljek, marec 14, 2016

Instagram mix winter 2016

Got 99 problems, but likes ain't one. :'D

With my babe and bestie in Moderna galerija some quality time!

Still loving this scarf!

Le Couvent des Minimes event

Retro bride in Da! magazine

Some current and forever favourites

Amazing AVON apparel

Avon x Nike

Gorgeous Essence blushes - not so pigmented in person :(

With my baby in Ljubno for Valentine's day (ski jumping!)

Obsessed with these boots!

Bell heaven!

Selfito (my lashes)

I love blue sky! <3

Selfito (not my lashes, haha!)

nedelja, marec 13, 2016

Balea depilation creme review

Danes vam bom predstavila super izdelek! Res sem navdušena, da se da za malo denarja dobiti res kvaliteten izdelek. Takšne nakupe imam najrajši!

Moje izkušnje

Glede depilacijskih krem nimam veliko izkušenj, pred nekaj meseci sem se zaljubila v Eveline arganovo depilacijsko kremo (klik) in od takrat naprej sem na "lovu" za dobrimi zamenjavami.

Sicer pa tudi sama Evelinova krema ni draga, 125 ml za okoli 3-4 eur. Meni zadostuje za 2-3 krat. 

I really wanted wanted to review this amazing depilatory cream/ hair removal cream. I've been using Eveline organ cream, which I really love but I decided to try this one too. The price is amazing, so why not give it a try.

Depilacijska krema BALEA +

Definitivno - cena! Stane približno 2,3 eur in je dobiš 125 ml. Obstaja tudi manjša različica 50 ml za 1,5 eur - kar je odlično, da najprej stestiraš če ti krema sploh leži.

Sama imam zelo suho in občutljivo kožo na nogah (sploh meča) in si jo non stop vlažim in hranim z masli. Navadne britvice pri meni ne pridejo v poštev, ker imam kožo potem čisto uničeno.

Za vse z enakimi težavami - TOLE je rešitev.

- poceni
- hitri rezultati (10 min)
- NE draži kože
- jo lepo navlaži

Depilacijska krema -

Prav nobenih minusov nimam. Mogoče izdelek ni najbolj naraven - ampak ne poznam depilacijske kreme, ki bi bila. Drugače pa res, top of the top tudi za najbolj občutljivo kožo.

Pa vaše najljubše kreme? Bi res rada izvedela še za kakšno ugodno in dobro.

The price is amazing. Only around 2-3 euros and you get 125 ml of the products. It is okay for 2 times (if you use it on whole legs!). I really like it. It is everything that I expected from a good depilatory cream.

- my skin is not dry after I use it
- skin is not itchy
- quick and simple to use it
- cheep (good for wallet haha!)

I know that it is not exactly natural product, but please let me know if you know a hair removal products that is natural.

Thanks for help!

