
sreda, september 02, 2015

The secrets of Blogging

Guten tag! I'm writing this all the way from Berlin (3/8 cities I'm gonna visit on trip!) and I must say, the energy here is amazing! I'm taking outfit photos every day and I really can't wait to show it all to you and to tell you what was happening on trip! (also shopping!)

Friday - off to Hamburg, let me know what to see there if you know it!

A lot of bloggers did this tag and I decided that if I was reading my blog (haha!) I wanted to know those things too! I read those tags on a lot of Slovenian blogs and I really think we have so many things in common!

1. When did you start blogging and why?

I started this blog in 4.1.2012. The date has nothing to do with me, well till now! :)

Why? I was reading a lot of blogs, daily. And then I thought - I could have mine too! And because I'm crazy enough - I started it. But of course, I didn't have any idea how big this can be - I only wanted to inspire other people, to share my outfits and ideas and that's pretty much it.

I'm not a model or designer, I'm not a writer. But blog is offering me everything at once and I am the boss haha, that is pretty amazing right? That you can do it all - like you want!

2. How many people in "real life" know about your blog?

To be honest (well, I'm always honest on my blog!) - nobody. First month it was only my secret. But then I had to tell about it to my boyfriend and family - I needed a photographer! And then... Somehow, my friends found out too. 

Because you never know how people are going to react, you keep it for yourself. At the beginning. But I'm still not sure - what are we afraid of? Being judged? 

Now I could not be happier that I decided to make my own blog, it opened so many options to me! Knowing leading Slovenian cosmetics brands in person, all those social contacts & friends I made... But it was all a lot of work, ideas and TIME too. 

3. What are your favourite posts to read?

I love reading outfits post and of course cosmetics/makeup posts. I always try to post articles, I would read too if I didn't know my blog.

5. Which posts are you most proud of?

Well... All posts are taking my time and ideas... Which I never ran out of! So, I would say - I don't have my "favourite" post. But there are some that turned out to be quite popular - and I didn't have any idea how people will react to them.

6. What advice would you give to future 

1. Start a blog, because you want it and you want to enjoy it - share ideas and inspire people. Not because you want to get some free things.

2. Choose a content - what you will write about and please write about things you like and love. Readers can feel if you are faking it. Sorry, but they do. 

3. Don't care about what people say. This is probably the most important, there will be people that will love your blog and people which enjoy hurting other people and others which can't wait to judge you. But... The secret is that if you love it - then do it.

4. Be different. Of course other blogs will inspire you, but don't write the same posts and everything - be yourself.

5. Be true to youself. Don't fake your style, don't write things only because you know people will like it - it's all about being true and being you. We don't need hundred blogs which are pretty much the same.

I hope I didn't scare anyone, but really if you want to blog - blog. That's the only good advice I can give you.

Some "future" bloggers, contacted me about how I got readers, how I'm handling to post almost everyday and have a student job, study, and teach Zumba - it's simple, if you want something - you won't let anything/anyone to stop you from doing that.

Blog has become a big part of me and you can't imagine how happy I am when I read all the comments everyday and getting feedback from my readers - this is the best part of it :)

Love you, 


12 komentarjev:

  1. Cute jumpsuit :)
    Maria V.

  2. Such great advice! I have been blogging for about 8 months now and I think I am now really starting to find myself as a blogger.

  3. Ja, to je važno! Da uživaš v pisanju bloga ne pa samo zato da dobiš zastonj stvari al kako -.-
    Sama sem še bolj nova v bloganju in mi ti zadnji nasveti pridejo prav, HVALA! :)

    x, Katja

  4. love this post ! x

  5. Ta tag je pa res zanimiv! :) In pa wauuu, kako hitro čas beži, kmalu bo že 4 leta, odkar blogaš. Sama, preden sem se tega lotla, sem največ brala tebe, Tatjano, Petro, Saro in še katero. Najprej ja, si nisem upala, ampak potem sem nekako dobila motivacijo, ste pri tem tudi ve pripomogle :) Je pa res, da jih kar nekaj piše blog na podlagi tega, da bi dobile kakšen free izdelek ... Sej ja, super je, ko te ''odkrije'' neko podjetje in si želi s tabo sodelovati, ampak sama ne bi mogla in tudi nočem nekomu pisati. So pa blogi res dobri za to, da z ljudmi širiš svoje mnenje, ocene, ker to veliko šteje. Več kritik, pohval kot prebereš, lažje se potem za neko stvar lotiš. Pa tudi ti s svojimi outfiti deliš ideje, tako da sem kar prepričana, da si v Sloveniji ena izmed najbolj branih blogerk! :)

    1. Je ja :)

      Ja... Ne morem verjeti res, pa nevem če je bilo največ 2 tedna da nisem nič objavila, pa še to takrat ko sem bila na počitnicah brez interneta, tako da sem kar "ponosna" hehe :)

      Super, me veseli... Mi je že nekaj punc to reklo, kako je to fajn občutek :)

      Oh, hvala ti za te besede, številke niso glavne - ampak takšni komentarji <3

  6. Lepo napisano in tudi jaz sem imela podobne začetke. Zelo sem se bala komu povedat za blog, ker nisem vedela kakšna bo reakcija. če ne drugega, me je blog naučil, da se ne smeš ozirat na mnenja drugih, ker vedno se bo našel nekdo, ki mu tvoja dejanja ne bodo všeč. In isto velja za objave. Res je kar si napisala, da če že imaš blog objavljaj stvari, ki so ti všeč. Ker sledilci so kot prijatelji, težko jih boš obdržal, če boš lagal o tem kdo v resnici si. In ti boš težko zdržal z njimi, če se boš moral vedno pretvarjat kdo si. :) Res uživam ob prebiranju takih objav! Mi dajo inspiracijo za naprej :)

  7. Pri meni je bil drugačen začetek.. Sem se na njega pripravljala :D in čestitke že za tolko let bloganja in skoraj brez premora... Ploskam :D <3 Uživaj na poti in komaj čakam objave iz road tripa :P

  8. Odlična objava. :D Upam da uživaš na max na svojem road tripu ;).

  9. Odlican post. I sama se nalazim u situaciji da se bojim podjeliti svoj blog s drugima. Ovo mi je definitivno pomoglo. Ali mislim da treba i vremena da se i sama priviknem da pisem blog jer jos niti sama ne vjerujem da sam se odlucila pokrenuti ga.


Thank you all for your comments, I read them all and I always try to visit your blogs if u have them.

They really mean a lot to me,
