
sreda, september 30, 2015

Eurotrip : Berlin : Maxi dress

Back to Berlin! 

Tokrat sem si za lokacijo "šutinga" izbrala kar moj Berlinski dom. Na ta "platz" sem zelo čustveno navezana.

Savigny platz je bil moj dom v vseh mojih obiskih Berlina (če izvzamem moj prvi obisk Berlina, 10 let nazaj z godalnim orkestrom) in se mi resnično zdi popolna lokacija za živeti. 

Savigny platz je pravzaprav trg oz. manjši park in okoli njega so prečudovite visoke staromeščanske hiše in ulice. V eni izmed teh hiš sva živela tudi midva, pri najinih prijateljih, Drago und Detlev danke fur alles! :) Nikakor ne morem mimo prečudovitega ogromnega stanovanja kjer sva živela in terase kjer sva vsak večer sedela in pila vino z razgledom na park. 

Nahaja se približno 100-150 metrov od glavne ulice Kudamm - ki je prav tako eden izmed mnogih centrov Berlina in 400 metrov od Berlinskega ZOO-ja.

Berlin je mesto z neverjetno svobodo in navdihom - mene osebno vedno znova očara in tudi tokrat 4ič, me ni nič manj kot prvič. Verjetno pa na to mesto gledam drugače že zaradi tega, ker je bilo mesto najina prva destinacija za potovanje in moj dragi se je tam rodil - zato sem še posebej vesela, ker se po mestu sprehajam s pravim berlinčanom, hehe :)

Nikakor se ne moram izogniti vsem zgodbam, ki stojijo za to lokacijo oz. outfitom! (Katja, stop chatting!)

All about outfit

Obleko sem kupila v Primarku, čeprav sem mislila da je ne bom nosila takoj - pa se je vse skupaj obrnilo tako, da so temperature v Berlinu v enem dnevu padle iz 35 na 15, tako da sem jo morala takoj obleči. 

Vse ostalo že poznate,

Shoes - H&M
Dress - Primark
Jacket - New Yorker

Moram priznati, da mi je outfit zelo všeč. Izjemno udoben in malo drugačen - obleka je popolnoma oprijeta, tako da lepo poudari celotno telo - vendar po mojem mnenje šele jakna doda "svoje".

V petek se bom udeležila prve blogerske konference v Sloveniji! Komaj čakam! Končno bom spoznala še preostanek slovenske lepotne blogerske scene in ogromno novih izdelkov in metod kako izboljšati blog! WOHO!

Lep dan vam želim & en ogromen Berlinski objem!


nedelja, september 27, 2015

Eurotrip : Frankfurt / what is left from clothes

Amazing Porsche 911 (the oldest version) in the background.  

Čas je za nov potovalni outfit!

Danes bom pisala kar v slovenščini, že dolgo nisem! Tokrat vam predstavljam outfit "kar je še ostalo od oblek", bil je 16. dan potovanja in bila sva v Frankfurtu. 

Frankfurt sem obiskala že 4. in kot sem že večkrat omenila, se v tem mestu počutim že čisto domače. Fantova teta je praznovala rojstni dan, zato se je celotni nemški del družine zbral v Frankfurtu! In bilo je zares zanimivo videti vse na kupu! Skratka - v Frankfurtu sva dneve preživljala z družino in si seveda ukradla nekaj ur zase v centru mesta. 

Tokrat nosim kavbojke Zara, čevlje Deichmann, jakno New Yorker in majico Forever21. Kapo sem "morala" kupiti v Hamburgu zaradi vetra, zato sem zavila v najbližji H&M.

September je super čas za potovanje, ni prevroče - ne rabiš s seboj nositi litre mrzle vode da lahko sploh normalno deluješ (če izvzamem vročo Prago), pa vendarle je vreme tako spremenjljivo - sploh če menjaš lokacije po nekaj dneh in se premikaš gor in dol po Evropi za nekaj 100 km vsake nekaj dni... Zdaj me je izučilo, da sabo potrebujem vzeti praktično vse od poletnih oblek do skoraj da zimske oprave za mrzel in vetroven sever Evrope. 

Prav zato, mi je dokaj kmalu zmanjkalo oblek - vendar je bilo zanimivo delati kombinacije z več ali manj enakimi kosi in seveda sem bila "prisiljena" kupiti tudi nekaj novega, da sem sploh "prišla čez" z oblekami, haha.

Da se vrnem nazaj k mestu Frankfurt, (stara objava iz leta 2013, klikni) - Frankfurt me vedno znova preseneti. Mesto je praktično "popolno" kar se tiče lokacije, letalskih povezav, ima staro mesto jedro, prav tako znani evropski "downtown" z največ nebotičniki, ki dajejo mestu poseben značaj in mesto je samo dvakrat toliko veliko kot naša Ljubljana, tako da nimaš občutka - da je preveliko.

Ste ga že obiskale? :)

P.s. V petek sem preživela res izjemen dan, najlepša hvala Augustu (še stotič), za vsa presenečenja in preprosto "poln" dan kot mi je najbolj všeč :)


ležerno nedelja vam želim (moja je delavna, hihi)

četrtek, september 24, 2015

Huge eurotrip haul

Something new to try out... All the bloggers are writing about this dry shampoo - never tried it! Now I will!

Germany, Douglas : 4 eur

I wanted to have this beauty since my sister told me how great it is. So I got an amazing discount and bought it in Amsterdam!

Amsterdam : 20 euro with discount (in Slovenia around 30 eur!)

One of my favourite Fa's. Love this smell - like a parfume!

Dusseldorf, DM : 1 eur

So, I was never fan of TBS. But somehow... When I was in Prague, I got totally in love with some products. So... Here they are. 

Honeymania shower gel : Free gift next to other things, the price is : 7 euro
White mask : 12 eur (body mist)

I always buy some basic things I need in my makeup bag, in Germany even Essence is cheeper! So, here they are!

Essence extreme mascara : 2,7 eur
Catrice, new colours lip gloss : 3,5 euro

Love the natural shades (like I don't have enough natural palettes), but this one is small and perfect for trips!

DM, Germany : 10 eur (the price is quite amazing!)

So, let's try to contour! 

Essence contouring set : around 3 euro
Essence lip liners : 1 eur

I totally fell in love with new lipsticks... From Essence!

Lipstick essence : around 2,5 euro

Found this amazing colour of blush in Hamburg, so gotta try this cosmetics I don't really know.

Price : around 3 euro

Don't worry I will make post only about TBS products, so for now only price :

Argan body butter 400 ml : around 19 eur (Prague)

Germany, Hamburg : around 16 euro

OH, my gosh. Those things are so much cheeper in Germany. Everything from 1 euro to 2,5 euros! 

I only bought 3 nail polishes! Yay! :D

Essence : 1,5 eur
p2 : 2 eur

Bought my 5th Mac lipstick in Amsterdam! Shade : CRAVING (mauve shade), price : european standard 19 euro

Yaaaaay! New Maybelline MATTE lipstick! In Slovenia the price will probably be around 10, in Germany... 6,5 euro!

Totally in love with this oriental smell <3

Prague, TBS : around 25 euro

I finally did it. I bought this amazing cleanser... In Amsterdam! I will write more soon!

Price : Slovenia, 37 euro - Holland 30 eur (with discount!)

Naked palette - number 1! Got some money left in Frankfurt... The gas was not so expensive than I calculate... So... I bought my first NAKED PALETTE *aaaaa*

Price : 47 euro, Germany, Frankfurt

Flushed : (the darkest shades - SPIN) - around 33 euro

Nivea is from GERMANY, Hamburg! So I bought some of my favourite products there!

So much cheeper than Slovenia!

Slovenia : around 6 euro for 400 ml "in shower body lotion" - Germany : around 3 euros!

I know the haul is HUGE. But I was working really hard, 2 jobs, for 7 months... So, when you work hard for your money, and you know each 1 cent you have is made by you - there is no problem for spending it on the things you love!

And I must say on the trip we paid so little for gas - I love my car! Hahah, that's why this shopping was possible. And mostly we were staying at our friend's houses, family ... So that a big, big, big plus! :)

I am really happy and grateful that I got the chance to shop so much! I am a lucky girl, but also if I remember all the "all day shifts" I worked... Work hard, shop hard! 

P.s. Must say I really had an amazing time yesterday on "one of my" first Zumba classes this year, girls I really missed you!

Gotta go to work now, later - we will celebrate my "father in law's" birthday & tomorrow me and my man are celebrating 4 years together *can't believe that love is still growing with everyday*, so I have really great days in from of me ... Damn, I feel so lucky lately, feels good to be grateful for all the good things in life 



sreda, september 23, 2015

Eurotrip : TELC / casual look


Today we are returning back to TELČ! Telč is really an amazing village/little town on the south of Češka Republika! 

We started our trip right here in this amazing town and we were more than happy to do it. We lived in this RED house behind me on the picture, it was dreamy. A whole village is wrapped up in those amazing old houses (google it, please!). 

It was really hot here, so I was wearing the most comfortable hairstyle and clothes haha! Hairbun and new skirt, which is like leggings haha - it really is the most comfortable skirt ever. 

Really simple look for long walks around Telč! And I loved prices here! Everything is so cheep - food, drinks... ah, love it!

And it is only 6 hours of gorgeous drive from Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia). 

I really enjoyed my days here and I am sure we will return soon!

P.s. In the old house... There was no internet, nothing modern. I loved it, we had gorgeous evenings by candles, listening gramophone records... Gotta do it again soon! <3

P.s. I am so excited about everything lately! Starting fresh year at Zumba classes (get ready girls!), school, work, blog... I really am highly motivated to make the best of this "new" year. 


ponedeljek, september 21, 2015

Paradiso by Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli my story

Moja zgodba s parfumi Roberta Cavallija sega približno 2 leti nazaj... Bil je popolnoma navaden delovno - šolski dan in s fantom sva se dobila na kosilu. Čisto slučajno so na Čopovi delili testerje Cavallijevega novega parfuma "nero absoluto" (o katerem si lahko preberete tukaj). In po naključju so enega dali tudi mojemu dragemu.

Že ob prvi probi, sem se praktično zaljubila v te močne vonjave. Parfum je takoj romal na mojo "wishlisto". In za božič, tudi v moje roke.

Roberto Cavalli paradiso

Letos je na trg prispel NOV Cavalli parfum. Meni se zdi resnično edinstven in ne morem se ga "prevohati". Mislim, da bo postal moj novi "it" parfum, po dolgih letih (mislim da 8, če ne več) bo zamenjal mojo Dolce & Gabbano the one.

Parfum je res edinstven, malo močnejši, pa vseeno svež in dominanten. Preprosto ga morate preizkusiti, ko boste naslednjič v drogerijah. 

Kaj pa ve? Imate kakšen njihov parfum?

Meni so res odlični, dolgo se obržijo, vonji so edinstveni in tudi embalaža je vrhunska. 

Cena je primerna kvaliteti - in za tak parfum, mi nikoli ni škoda odšteti tudi kakšen euro več. Sploh zato, ker res zdržijo na koži cel dan in ker ponavadi tudi trajajo vsaj kakšno leto.


petek, september 18, 2015

Eurotrip : Amsterdam inspired crazy mix

Back in Amsterdam! 

I could not be happier. Amsterdam is one of my favourite cities on the world. (well, till now).

The people are so open and so kind, they speak many languages and are just amazing. I also met Slovenian blogger Agnes there and see how she is doing <3 Also totally in love with the city!

About the look

This was in the middle of the trip probably a 10th or 11th day... And I already used some clothes, so I thought that this dress will be perfect for Amsterdam. 

Combination is crazy. If you showed me those pictures 5 years ago, I would never wear something like this.

But... Amsterdam is inspiring! You can DARE to wear something crazy there. So I did.

Glam dress, fancy... With leather totally crazy cowboy jacket, white snikers (thanks August for cleaning them in the morning in the Netherlands - you made them whiter than ever, haha!). Dirty snickers just won't do next to fancy dress.

And hat?!

Yeah, Amsterdam is pretty windy. So hat is a must! The combination is sporty, fancy, edgy at the same time. 

But to be honest... It is one of my favourite looks ever. And I was laughing the first few moments "are you seriously gonna wear snickers on that dress"?

What do you think?


P.s. I will probably spend my weekend on Slovenian coast, the Slovenian film festival is going on and my baby has a movie there too! Hope for the best! <3 Is anybody else gonna be there?


Buy this dress on - HERE

četrtek, september 17, 2015

Dvorec Trebnik - linija rakitovec mnenje

Dvorec Trebnik me je nekaj tednov nazaj presenetil z nepričakovanim paketkom! V njem se je skrivala celotna linija Rakitovec - o kateri sem že pisala tukaj! 

Zelo sem se razveselila celotne linije, ker me je oljnat tuš gel zelo navdušil - zato sem vse skupaj kar hitro začela testirati.

Mleko za telo 

Mleko sem podarila sestri, ker imam jaz teh izdelkov že polno omaro! Sama mi je povedala, da ji izjemno lepo nahrani kožo in da vonj na koži ostane ceeel ljubi dan. Več prijateljev, jo je vprašalo kateri parfum uporablja - ona pa je imela na sebi le mleko. Ha, skoraj mi je škoda da ga nisem sama stestirala, heh,...

Šampon za suhe lase

Tudi šampona nisem testirala jaz. Ko se slovenska beauty scena začne nenadno zelo pospešeno razvijati, je preprosto preveč izdelkov, da bi vse testirala sama oz. mi je žal, da mi izdelki po več mesecev ležijo v vrečkah in čakajo na svoj trenutek.

Šampon je testirala mami. Vzela ga je sabo na morje in ga tam celega porabila, zato zaupam njeni oceni. Ker je tudi ona noro navdušena nad "oljem za tuširanje" in ji je vonj zelo pri srcu, se je zelo razveselila tega šampona. Šampon je hranilen in lase lepo ukroti in po uporabi definitivno niso več tako suhi in ne "frčijo" na vse strani, kar je super.

Kar se tiče mila za roke in balzama za roke - fantastično. Balzam je vsekakor zmagovalec v tej igri - ker je hranilen, vlažilen in preprosto super za suhe roke. Sem zelo zbirčna ko pride do krem za roke - ker si dnevno namažem roke s kremo vsaj 5x. Ta balzam je ravno prav masten in mojim suhim rokam nudi ugodje.

Milo je milo. Preprosto ga težko pohvalim, da je nekaj "posebnega", lepo diši - kot vsa linija, to je pa vse :)

Masažno olje

Hvala bogu za naše moške! Redko kdaj si sama naredim masažo (vsi vemo kako nemogoče je to), mogoče samo na nogah in stegnih po Zumbi, če imam "muskelfiber", drugače pa sem vedno hvaležna za vse masaže od mojega dragega. Pomagal mi je testirati tole olje... 

Diši enako kot celotna linija. POZOR pusti nekaj malega barve, tako da je treba biti pazljiv. Če se po uporabi takoj oblečete - se nikakor ne oblačit v svetle obleke. Če je le možnost, počakajte da se vpije. Drugače pa je olje super, lepo diši, pomirja in odlično nahrani kožo.

Želim vam uspešen dan! Moj je spet čisto poln! :)


torek, september 15, 2015

Eurotrip : Prague / Stripes and red skirt

I'm back!

Uhhh... I can not believe our big trip is over! It was aaaaaamaaaazing! We saw so many gorgeous views, cities and eat a lot haha, of course I had my camera with me to make outfit photos in those gorgeous cities, but... there are few things you need to know about the looks! (I wrote the same thing last year).

1. I had only 1 suitcase with me.

2. I improvised a lot. 

3. It's all about "how many different outfits you can make with the same clothes".

4. The weather was changing from 35*C to 11*C. (damn you, Hamburg haha)

5. I ran out of clothes the second week, haha.

6. Don't judge. Some combinations are far away from perfect, but... When you travel and you are all around cities all day long, you must be dressed comfortable, but if you are a fashion blogger you try to be also stylish, haha. Sometimes it is hard to be both!

So in next few days/weeks haha, you will see almost all my looks on my big eurotrip! And I also did a BIG shopping. So, expect reviews soon! Like I don't have 4 full bags of "things to review" already at home... #hardlifeofablogger

I will mix locations, so it will be more fun! (because in Hamburg, I was wearing hat the whole time because is it SUCH A WINDY CITY!).

Look from Prague

Like you see I was just doing my first "shopping" in The body shop, haha! (look at that happy face).

Wearing : Basic top, simple red but really comfy skirt and I added the shirt because it makes everything more interesting.

It was so damn hot in Prague! And so many tourists, so I maybe recommend it better in November or Decemeber, because the "spirit" of the city is better. I visited it two times in November and I think it is better time to visit it. Not so many tourists and you can drink mulled wine and so...

But anyway, I had an amazing time there, I love the buildings in Prague. I could watch the houses there for a whole day. And I did.

Home again

It feels good to be back home again. But at the same time, I am so busy! My blog sponsors got crazy with packages and I'm preparing my new Zumba songs, working, organising my life for a beginning of the new "school year"... Anyway, stay tuned for more! :)

Kisses from Ljubljana, (finally haha)
