
petek, maj 30, 2014

It's all about the skirt

Today I was running through the centre of my gorgeous city - Ljubljana. I live really close to the city centre so I often run to our castle or just around the city, I think it really is one of the prettiest cities in the world.

So, I also went to Muller and bought some amazing stuff - I will show it in the next few days!

But this weekend I will take it really easy, on the seaside and just enjoy the life. With books. Of course.

So, about this outfit - I really love this skirt, it's so comfy and still looks kinda chic - harem style. I finally got a chance to take photos of this shoes I got for my bday.

I hope you'll be all having an amazing weekend! :*



P.s. I look like ginger again, haha - told you that sunshine makes my hair orange :'D

sreda, maj 28, 2014

Vichy and La roche posay

Vse te izdelke testiram že res dolgo časa. In mislim da si zaslužijo posebno objavo!

Nisem edina, ki piše o La Roche-Posay duo izdelku, o njem sem prebrala že ogromno člankov na različnih blogih. 

Zakaj mi je všeč?

Izdelek je namenjen temu da odstrani večje in manjše nepravilnosti na obrazu, zmanjša pore in lahko se uporabi tudi kot podlaga za ličila. Uporabljala sem ga redno in pore so vidno zmanjšane. Sicer nikoli nisem imela posebno izrazitih vednar se razlika pozna. Uporabljala ga je tudi mami - in pravi da so se ji nekatere gumice vidno zmanjšale.

Kaj me moti?

Moti me le, da me koža nekaj minut po nanosu peče. Nevem zakaj, vendar je malo neprijetno. Ampak popusti tako da je potem rezultat vreden "trpljenja". :)

Vichy - Night detox, zakaj mi je všeč?

O tem bi lahko napisala celo stran, ker me je izdelek res navdušil. Namenjen je negi mastne kože. Uporablja se ga pred spanjem - jaz osebno sem ga namazala na T-sport kjer se mi koža najbolj masti in zjutraj je bila res matirana. Izdelek se mi zdi super za vsakdanjo uporabo in je primeren za vse starosti. Zmanjša "svetleč" videz kože in zjutraj si kožo le lepo umijete in začnete z ličili, brez problema.

Kaj me moti?

Pri tem izdelku me nič ne moti. Embalaža je super, rezultat pa mi je sploh super.

Vichy Idealia Eyes, zakaj mi je všeč?

Krema za oči, pomaga proti zabuhlosti, jutranjih temnih kolobarjem pod očmi in naj bi kožo tudi bolj napela. Sama sem jo uporabljala približno 2 meseca in se mi zdi da je koža pod očmi res bolj napeta in prožna. Sploh embalaža je primerna in zelo praktična za direkten nanos.

Kaj me moti?

Zdi se mi da se malo dolgo vpija. Nevem, mogoče nisem navajena vendar zato jo rajši uporabim zvečer. Cena je okoli 24 eur, tako da bi lahko tudi to izpostavila za negativno stran, vendar pa je izdelek kvaliteten tako da je tu ne moremo nič :D

Najlepša hvala ekipi Luna Twba, ki mi je omogočila te izdelke za testiranje! 


ponedeljek, maj 26, 2014

Statement earrings

I didn't tell you... But I decided to buy a new camera. My photo camera is really an oldie - it was really really expensive 10 years ago, but I think it's time for new one - this one just started to work a little bit slower and I really don't have nerves to deal with it.

So, new - better photos are coming soon! :)

About the outfit... I got really obsessed with this blazer, but now it's already too hot to wear it :( This was probably the last cold day for those leather pants and heels...

I finally got the chance to wear those crazy earrings! As you all know me - I really like different and statement things!

What do you think? :)



nedelja, maj 25, 2014


I bought those last year, but I'm still in love. They are really high, but comfy! The heel is about 0,5 cm width - but still I manage to walk in those, haha :)

So... Giveaway winners from Kozmetika Afrodita are...



Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali, nikoli ni dovolj za vse :( Obljubim pa, da bom organizirala še več giveawayev!

P.s. Punce, upam da sem vam malo polepšala nedeljo & dobile ste email. Če se katera ne javi v 3 dneh, izberem naknadno zmagovalko.


sobota, maj 24, 2014

Maxi dress is back

I totally forgot to post this look. It was a few weeks ago, when I met my friend D. for lunch and we took a long walk through the beautiful sunny Ljubljana - first after a long time I wore this simple basic MAXI skirt and I added some aztec scarf - to make everything a little bit colourful! :)

I hope you're all having a relaxing weekend!

P.s. A lot of reviews are coming soon! :)


petek, maj 23, 2014

Liquid sand by Opi

I must say that I really didn't like those liquid nail polishes when I first saw them. But then I saw this shade on one blog, another blog... And I started to like it. A lot.

So, here it is. My first Opi Liquid sand - it was a gift from my lovely friend D. <3

Wish you all a wonderful day, I'm already off to the gym!


četrtek, maj 22, 2014

Afrodita - Clean phase

Čas je da vam predstavim celotno kolekcijo Afrodite. Da ne bom ovinkarila, sem se odločila preprosto napisati moje mnenje o vseh izdelkih, kako so vplivali na mojo kožo - da dodatna vprašanja pa z veseljem odgovorim.

Kremni piling za obraz - Sem velika ljubiteljica pilingov. Verjetno jih uporabljam večkrat kot pa bi bilo to potrebno, pa vendarle nimajo nobenega negativnega učinka na mojo kožo. Piling ima res drobna zrnca in blag vonj po breskvi. Meni osebo je zelo všeč, ker je bolj nežen od ostalih pilingov, uporabljam ga 2-3 na teden. Kožo naredi zelo mehko, po pilingu pa na kožo nanesem še tonik.

Odstanjevalec očesnih ličil - Ker sem zadnje čase uporabljala naravna mila za odstanjevanje sem se malo navadila da me včasih oči malo zapečejo. Vendar pri tem odstanjevalcu ni tako. Sicer sem pričakovala da bo malo hitreje odstanil ličila, pa vendarle me je navdušil. Predvsem pa je velik plus, da oči ne draži. Super!

Tonik - Moj najljubši izdelek iz te linije! Redko sem uporabljala tonike, vendar tega bom od zdaj naprej redno! Zelo diši in kožo prijetno osveži, navlaži in jo naredi sijočo. Po ostranjevanju ličil, pilingih, čistilnih gelih vedno nanesem tonik. In čeprav ga redno uporabljam, se res počaaasi porablja. Tako da je to še dodaten plus. (nanesem na vatke)

Čistilni gel - Ko ne uporabljam pilinga, uporabim čistilni gel. Z njem še dodatno odstanim ličila in ostale nečistoče ki se čez dan naberejo na naši koži - kožo razmasti in jo lepo očisti. Je zelo blag, primeren za vse tipe kože. Super izdelek, sicer nekega posebnega rezultata ni, vendar od čistilnega gela tega niti nisem pričakovala. Ga je pa v tubi zelo veliko, tako da zadostuje za nekaj mesecev.

Čistila pena za obraz - Moj drugi najljubši izdelek iz te linije! Prvo kot prvo - pene je res veliko. Embalaža je zelo praktična in zadostuje za nekaj mesecev. Pena je res nežna, nanesemo jo na z vodo očiščen obraz, tam se še dodatno zapeni in potem speremo. Pena je enakega vonja kot tonik (po limoni, zelo sveže) in odlično očisti in razmasti obraz.

Micelarna raztopina - Izdelek, ki je tudi glavna zvezda giveawaya - torej ga bojo lahko sprobale tudi 3 srečnice. Lepo odstrani ličila, kožo navlaži - razmasti. Ker je to moja prva izkušnja z micelarno raztopino, nisem vedela kaj točno pričakovati - vendar pa je izdelek vsestranski. Lahko ga uporabljamo kot odstanjevalec makeupa in tudi nekakšen tonik za obraz. Vendar pa imam za odstranjevanje ličil raje peno ali pa odstanjevalec za oči posebej.

Izdelki so posebej primerni za tiste z normalno - mešano kožo. Za mojo kožo so idealni, noben izdelek ni negativno vplival nanjo - in izdelki se odlično kombinirajo hkrati pa je čistilni gel lahko substitut za peno za obraz oziroma za micelarno raztopino.

Upam, da sem vam s tem vsaj malo pomagala pri izbiri kozmetike za vašo kožo! :)

sreda, maj 21, 2014

Summer lipstick

Pinky pink! Nail polish, top and lips are matching! I had a pinky day. I really like this lipstick from I got it in winter but I really love the texture and colour of this lipstick!

Today we're celebrating my friend's b-day! So we'll be going to the seaside to have a lunch and spend a lovely day on the coast :)

I wish you're all having a great day, I will definitely enjoy my first "day off" after a long time!



ponedeljek, maj 19, 2014

Just me and my boyfriend

Sunshine finally! I think I'm gonna say goodbye to my long jeans quicky and bring on my skirt and shorts <3

But this time - my favourite boyfriend Zara pants! I bought them last year, not to mention every time I wear them, they are getting more and more ripped haha :D

I must say that I'm kidna proud! Remember when I told you I will try to stay active everyday, doing some running, fitness, Zumba? Well lately I am. I'm working out everyday and I love it! It really has became a part of my day - success!

Wish u all a wonderful sunny day full of positive every!



nedelja, maj 18, 2014


Late b-day gift that I got from my friend Tanita. Thanks girl!

Love all those things! The soap is really smelling so great that I bought it also for my other friend, cherry <3

I love this collection of new shower gels "amande" - it really makes ur skin so soft. 

Enough teasing for today :'D

I hope ur all having an amazing weekend, mine is all about studying and fitness.


P.s. Really can't believe what's going on in Bosnia and Serbia, it's heartbreaking... I will get some clothes to the centres where they collect them for all the poor people there :(

petek, maj 16, 2014

Black and Yellow

Today I woke up in my love's arms. And there is really nothing better in this whole world than cuddling in the morning with the one you love. I'm so grateful for that. <3

Okay now back to the outfit. There 3 things I want to say about this one. 

1. I totally forgot about this amazing t-shirt from Berlin, Forever 21. I mean, cmon how could I forget about this lovely asymmetric piece?

2. I'm not a fan of sneakers. But, those yellow ones are so special and I think the really make the whole outfit different. I never though I will wear yellow shoes... But hey, why not :D

3. Yes, my tattoo is finally here. It's not whole, but you can see a big part of it. I must buy some more t-shirts like these!

So, wish u all a wonderful friday & weekend!


četrtek, maj 15, 2014

Instagram week


Carspotting in Portorož, what a shame I didn't took a photo next to Lamborghini Murcielago (which is really rare to find in Slovenia)

Those shoes make me smile :'D

We had to buy the same shoes, haha <3

My lovely friend Anaja Dhyan

Before cinema

Studying mood

Love escaping to the woods - running

Morning selfie

torek, maj 13, 2014

Lace with flowers

One of my favourite blazers is this one. Lace classic blazer which is perfect to combine with skirts. I got this skirt for my bday and I really like it. I will make some better photos when it will be sunny outside again and I have perfect heels to match with this floral skirt.

P.s. Hvala za vse lepe besede pri givawayu, me veseli da se vas je v samo 2 dneh toliko prijavilo! :)

Wish u all a great day,


nedelja, maj 11, 2014

Giveaway - Afrodita kozmetika

It's time for a new giveaway! This time only for slovenian readers.

S kozmetiko Afrodito (vodilno kozmetično hišo v Sloveniji) smo se odločili da nagradimo 3 bralke mojega bloga.

In sicer podarjamo 3 micelarne raztopine! Ki očistijo kožo, odstranijo ličila in kožo dodatno navlažijo. Micelarne raztopine so zadnje nekaj mesecev hit - in prav je da jo preizkusite tudi ve.

Kako sodelujem?

Edina pogoja sta da všečkate Viva la vida blog in Kozmetiko Afrodito na facebooku.

Spodaj pa napišite mail v komentar, da vas lahko kontaktiram v primeru da ste izbrane.

Vsem želim veliko sreče,

giveaway traja do 25.5.2014!

P.s. Če še delite giveaway objavo na fb-ju si izborite še dodatno mesto v žrebanju. 


petek, maj 09, 2014

Gold top with high high heels

One of my favourite combinations, my favourite summer heels, slim jeans and glittered top with my new obsession - white blazer.

So, I have to leave my opinion about this year's Eurovision. I'm really big fan of it, since I was a little girl - the magic of Europe being connected in one night with music and voting - I always liked this idea of spending one night in the year the same as the other people around the Europe.

So, SLOVENIA IS IN THE FINAL! I'm so happy, after 2 years finally!

But I fall totally in love with Austrian song. And I'm the person who is "too passionate" about something or I don't like it at all.
But this performance... The passion and voice. I really love it. 
This man (yes, she is a man :D) is really an amazing woman! The makeup, the look and the moves, incredible. 

I like people who dare to be different. I'm big fan of that. And I know there are a lot of people who are not that open minded. I was watching interviews - for example the one is here, I love the way he is answering the questions and of course I can't resist the message he is sending in the world :

You can do whatever you want. It's not about the colour of your skin or the country you are from. If you're not hurting anyone, you can do whatever you want with your life. <3

P.s. The makeup is incredible. I love this guy haha :'D

Wish u all an amazing day! Be tolerant and don't hate what you don't understand :)

četrtek, maj 08, 2014

Stenders hand cream

Stenders (najdete ga v Cityparku) me je spet pocrkljal. Tokrat z res izjemno dišečo in super kvalitetno kremo za roke! Eden izmed kozmetičnih artiklov - kateremu se res ne morem upreti. Obožujem kremice za roke! Ker res ne prenesem občutka suhih rok, jih imam vedno na zalogi.

Tale je prav posebna saj diši po vrtnicah! Ker imam parfum (L'occitane) z istim vonjem sta res super kombinacija. Roke izjemno navlaži, dolgo ostanejo napojene z vitaminčki in dišijo - božaaaansko. 

Krema stane okoli 10 eur, vendar je vredna svojega denarja. Ko mi je zmanjka, jo kupim ponovno. Mi je pa po teksturi boljša od L'occitanove in Nivejine. (katere največ uporabljam, do zdaj!)

Lep dan še naprej, jaz svojega začenjam z arabsko glasbo in pripravami na celodnevno učenje :)

torek, maj 06, 2014

White blazer

I'm not a big fan of blazers. I mentioned this before, but somehow the violet and white blazer came into my closet. I really like this model of blazers and I have some new colours on my wish list!

New heels, blazer and nail polish (essie - Maximiliane stases her, one of my favourite streets in Munich haha).

Now I'm off to woods - running, taking a walk and relaxing :)

Have a great evening everyone! <3